corbyn besson • abortion

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"hey, you on your way back?" your boyfriend corbyn asked through the phone.

"yeah i'm walking to my car now," you said.

"okay. i ordered food so it'll be here when you get back."

"okay see you soon." you hung up and drove back to your apartment.

you had just left your doctor's office after finding out you were pregnant. you had been crying in your parked car until corbyn called you. you didn't want a baby, you were only twenty and you weren't ready for a baby. you had already decided that if you were pregnant that you were getting an abortion, but you still had hoped that you weren't.

you dried your tears and tried to make yourself look presentable as you walked to your apartment. you and corbyn didn't even live together yet, you weren't ready to raise a baby.

"hey love, how was work?" he asked as you came into the kitchen.

"it was alright, sorry i was late." you had told corbyn you were just working late because you didn't want to tell him that you thought you were pregnant.

"it's okay." he shook his head and handed you the food that he ordered.

"um, i-i have to tell you something," you said quietly.

"okay," he said suspiciously.

"just sit down." you grabbed his hand and pulled him to the kitchen table.

"what's wrong?" he asked. you looked down at your lap and played with your fingers, not wanting to look him in the eye.

"y/n, you can tell me anything. what's wrong?" he asked again. you looked up into his eyes and his face softened when he noticed you were crying again.

"um, i wasn't working late today. i-i had an appointment for a test. um...i'm pregnant."

you saw his face lift up and he was smiling brightly.

"y/n that's amazing! oh my gosh, you had me so worried, but this is great." he smiled and grabbed your hands. you shook your head and looked down at your lap, realizing this was gonna be harder than you thought.

"babe why aren't you happy?" corbyn asked. "is something wrong with the baby?"

"no," you said. "i want an abortion."

"what?" his face scrunched up.

"i don't want this baby corbyn."

"why not?"

"we're only twenty, we don't even live together. you're on tour most of the time and i'm still in college. i'm not ready to start a family corbyn." you shook your head.

"y/n, we are ready. you can move in with me, we can even get married if you want. i love you and i want this baby with you. don't you love me?"

"i do love you, but i'm not ready to be a mom." your eyes overflowed with tears and they were now streaming down your face.

"if you loved me, you'd have this baby," he said. he stood up and started walking towards your door. you jumped up and stopped him.

"corbyn please just understand what i'm feeling right now," you said. "i can't handle having a baby, it's just too much."

"don't you think i should have a say in this? i mean it's my baby too!" he raised his voice at you and you jumped. his face softened for a second but then he turned and walked away.

"it's my body corbyn! i thought that you'd agree with me on this and you'd support my decision."

"i'm sorry y/n but i don't. i want this baby, and you should to. we made a child, there's going to be a human that we made together, but you're just gonna get rid of it?"

"i'm sorry corbyn-"

"no...just stop. i don't even wanna talk to you right now." he grabbed his keys and slammed the front door before you could run after him.

you instantly broke down crying, falling onto the couch.


it had been over a week since your argument with corbyn. you hadn't spoken to him since. you and jonah exchanged phone calls and texts but corbyn wouldn't talk to you.

you woke up early in the morning to get ready for your appointment. you were getting an abortion if corbyn liked it or not. you hoped that you two could make it past this, you loved him so much and didn't know what you'd do without him. but just like it was your choice to abort the baby, it's his choice to forgive you or not.

jonah texted you offering to go to your appointment with you. he knew that there'd be protesters outside of the planned parenthood and he didn't want you going alone, but you declined. you didn't want him having to worry about you since corbyn wasn't.

you got up and showered, putting on leggings and one of corbyn's hoodies. you smelled the inside of it and sighed. you usually did that when he was on tour and you missed him.

you didn't bother with doing your makeup or your hair, just throwing it into a messy bun. you brushed your teeth and put on your shoes, grabbing your phone and wallet before heading out.

just as you got to your front door, someone knocked. you opened it to see corbyn.

"c-can we talk?" he asked.

"um, yeah i guess." you opened the door and let him in.

"i'm sorry for the way that i acted. i know that i went crazy and said things i shouldn't have but i was just emotional."

"me too."

"i just love you so much, i've been dreaming about having kids with you since we first said i love you." he smiled. "but i understand that you're not ready."

"you do?" you asked.

"i do. i'm sorry that i didn't before but i do now. and you're right, we're way too busy to have a kid. they'd be neglected and wouldn't get the attention they needed. and i know how much it would stress you out and how guilty you'd feel if we did have a kid and you had to take care of it."

"and i know how guilty you'd feel if we had a kid and you were too busy to raise it with me."

"exactly. i'm really sorry y/n." he grabbed your waist and pulled you into a hug.

"thank you. and i'm sorry too, i should've asked you for your opinion first because you should have a say in this."

"but i completely support your decision. i'll do whatever you want and be right by your side."

"thank you." you pecked his lips.

"jonah told me your appointment was today, can i go with you?"

"yeah of course. i was about to leave actually." he nodded and grabbed your hand, walking you to his car.

when you parked, corbyn came and opened your door for you. he wrapped his arm around you and kept you close to him.

you couldn't help but feel guilty, but also a little angry, as protesters yelled at you as you walked by. screaming things in your face, calling you a monster and a murderer.

you and corbyn hurried inside and signed in. when you were called back corbyn went with you and held your hand the whole time.

"thank you for being here corbyn," you said. the doctor had finished the procedure and had left the room.

"of course y/n. i'm always gonna be here for you," he said. he leaned down and kissed your lips, then he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight.


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