⤷ girls like girls | open

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" it's okay if you don't know, helena

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" it's okay if you don't know, helena. we're so young, we don't have to put a label on ourselves right now, or ever! "


title — girls like girls*
love interest — helena
oc name — georgia rhodes
nickname — georgie
faceclaim — kiernan shipka*
status — open



" girls like girls like boys do, nothing new! "


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GEORGIA "GEORGIE" RHODES WAS THE EPITOME OF KINDESS. You could slap her across the face, or throw her books across the school's hallway, and she'd probably apologize for the way she treated you to make you do that. She helped out kids with special needs, and volunteered at the animal shelter, and did whatever she could to make people happy. Some hated her, some were in love with her — but either way, Georgie had a heart of gold.

       Even when the world was seemingly going to end, she was a bright bubble of positive energy. When she and her clasmates get stuck in a parallel universe with no way out and no adults, Georgie does everything to make people happy, and positive that they will get out of this mess soon enough. When she finally talks to her *long-time crush, Helena Wu, at a service held in their church, the two work closely together on how to stay positive.

*Including a shot for Georgie to finally tell Helena how she feels, hoping she would feel the same way, even if she did have a boyfriend.


OR, in which georgia rhodes is a bubble of light, and wants to do everything she can to make everyone happy, including her long time crush.



— i had a good ending to the summary planned but i forgot and campe up with that crap so please change or take it out, it's awful.

— basically from the summary, georgia is vedy happy all the time. she likes making other people happy to make herself happy, and just loves the words "happy" all around and is really a ray of sunshine.

— georgie meets helena at the church service, and decides that she wants the two to work together to make people happy, and to reassure others that everything is going to be okay. they become close friends through this, and helena develops tiny feelings for georgie during it (but keeps denying it because she's believed all her life that's she straight, and that she loves luke).
(georgie's already had a crush on helena so her feelings just keeps getting stronger).

— helena and georgie should kiss one night when luke and helena are broken up! i don't support cheating at all nor do i want it in this book! they get into a really bad fight and georgie comforts helena the night it happens. a few days later, helena kisses georgie, but automatically denies her feelings and claims she's straight. however, georgie helps her see that's okay to like girls, in a nice way.

— georgie has problems of putting people before her. she never thinks of herself, and always does things she doesn't want to do (not bad things, just like going to the movies when she doesn't want to, going out to hang, etc). after she and helena kiss, helena goes a-wall and leaves an upset georgie. sam shows her that she needs to put herself first sometimes. (she and sam are best friends/brotp).

— georgie is shocked when helena and luke get engaged, and tries to play it off like she's happy for them. when really, she isn't, and goes to sam for comfort. after a while, helena realizes she screws up and wants to clear things up with georgie (you can decide how that goes)

— based off of girls like girls by hayley kioko, but that can change. georgie's faceclaim can change as well.

— georgie is bisexual & this cannot change! you can also decide who else georgie should be close/have brotp's with!


( plot by blue! )

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