⤷ slip away | open

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grizz visser



" you'll always be my best friend, dude

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" you'll always be my best friend, dude. "



title — slip away
love interest — grizz visser
oc name — james franklin *
nickname — jamie, primarily *
faceclaim — charlie rowe *
status — open


" this freaky, fake home or you being gay won't change that

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" this freaky, fake home or you being gay won't change that.  "



He had never even considered any other alternative. How could he? The town of West Ham hadn't exactly progressed with the times. The adults of the town told the kids how to act, speak, think. They told them which Ivy Leagues they would attend and how they could split their time between schoolwork and extracurriculars. Of course, they were still teenagers, so there was always a bit of rebelling, but overall, it was easier this way. At least, that's how Jamie felt.

And he was fine with it. He had his friends, who called themselves 'The Guard,' he had a beautiful girlfriend, and he had football. Everything was perfect. Until they wound up in New Ham, and suddenly it wasn't.

It started with his best friend, Grizz Visser, coming as gay to him. Then, he noticed the boy spending a lot of time with the only openly gay kid in town, Sam Elliot. He shouldn't have cared. In fact, he should've been happy for his friend. But he couldn't shake a nagging feeling of jealousy every time the two were together. Jamie Franklin realized being stuck in New Ham changed his world in more ways than one.



in which jamie franklin
never thought he'd fall for his best friend
grizz visser.




— The description is awful! Feel free to change it!

— The title comes from the song "Slip Away" by Perfume Genuis! It can be changed, but it's about the singer's forbidden gay love and I think it fits really well.

— Grizz and Jamie are best friends. They grew up next door to one another, and they know everything about each other. Like, Jamie even knows about Grizz and dance.

— Grizz comes out to Jamie pretty quickly after arriving in New Ham. Jamie is taken off guard by it, but he's supportive.

— Nothing in their relationship really changes until Jamie starts to notice Grizz flirting with Sam and spending a lot of time with him. It should be a lot of him being jealous but not realizing that it's jealousy. Once he realizes he's jealous, he should think it's just because he misses his best friend.

— Grizz has always been in love with Jamie. But, Jamie and the reader shouldn't know that. Again, Jamie's oblivious to anything outside of his 'normal.' Grizz should definitely get flustered by him and should be jealous by his girlfriend.

— Who you want Jamie's girlfriend to be is up to you! I was thinking maybe Lexie, but it could be an OC! If it's Lexie, Jamie does love her. I picture her bossing him around and kind of being like a Jackie Buckhart/Michael Kelso relationship from That 70's Show, but again up to you!

— So, I picture the major shift happening on Thanksgiving. Grizz ignores Jamie all day and doesn't show up to the dinner. Jamie is annoyed, and then when they meet up later they get into a big fight (their first one). Grizz is confused why Jamie's so upset and Jamie kisses him. He's confused and runs off after.

— I don't think Grizz and Sam should have any romantic contact in this story! I love Sam too much and don't want him to get hurt like that. It's up to the author, but I think instead of kissing and hooking up on Thanksgiving, they just spent the whole day together and flirted but Grizz never worked up the nerve to do anything.

— If Lexie is chosen as Jamie's girlfriend, I see him being completely fed up and annoyed with the Thanksgiving attacking Allie situation. Breaks up with her then because he's angry and confused about Grizz.

— Before Grizz leaves for the trip, he should kiss Jamie again and hint he's always had a thing for him.

— This is obviously a slow burn! But, most of the story should be Jamie and Grizz. 

— Jamie is just a little confused bean 

— I haven't seen Alex Strangelove, but based on the trailer I think this plot is kind of similar. I know that show got a lot of backlash for biphobia/bi-erasure, and I don't want none of that here. Jamie is confused and had never considered being with a guy until he started getting jealous of Sam and Grizz. He questions his love for his girlfriend, not because he isn't attracted to her or thinks he can only like guys or only like girls, but because he has feelings for Grizz.

— Some good brotps for Jamie could be luke, kelly, or allie (since he's apart of the guard and will be around her all the time)

— if you have any questions you can comment or message me!


( plot by rose ! )


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