⤷ a trick of the light | open

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kelly aldrich

A TRICK OF THE LIGHTkelly aldrich

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" jacob...you're a good person- a great person actually but i hope you're not asking me out on a date. "


title — a trick of the light*
love interest — kelly aldrich
oc name — jacob mayberry-williams*
nickname — jake, berry*
faceclaim —daniel sharman*
status — open



" a date? oh goodness no! i mean- no offence, i was just going to ask you to help me plant some plants "

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" a date? oh goodness no! i mean- no offence, i was just going to ask you to help me plant some plants "



of a nerd. His daily routine consisted of reading, homework, advanced reading and watching one to two hours of Garden Smart. Why the Garden Smart, you might ask. And the answer he would give you is because of boredom. And to him there was always something fascinating about the growth of plants.

society. His position on the social hierarchy was in the bottom half of the bottom half. He was invisible, a nobody really, who only appeared on the radar of West Ham High royalty when they needed him to do extra credit project or overdue homework. He would never agree though. It's primarily why he wasn't a treasured of West Ham High society, he wouldn't let anyone dictate his thoughts or actions. He was totally and completely himself.

on the verge of social acceptance. People began to truly see Jacob and admire his cleverness. One of those people, was Kelly Aldrich. Kelly Aldrich was the princess of West Ham High. With her golden hair, cloudless blue eyes, she could charm anyone. Except Jacob. Unlike many other boys of West Ham High, Jacob seeks friendship not love. But isn't that what it always ends up to be? Love? For Jacob, he truly hopes it doesn't.


OR, in which Jacob Mayberry-Williams tries to acquire the algorithm of love



— inspired by the song "A Trick of the Light" by Villagers

— Jacob is kind of a nerd, like the epitome of a nerd. He had a massive chalkboard wall filled with algorithms and formulas, his dream is to be awarded a Noble Prize for Physics and to achieve this, he works 24/7 on the M-Theory (a theory that unified all consistent versions of superstring theory), he's kind of a genius??!

— all throughout high school he was known as the freaky nerd boy that never talked to anyone and spent lunch in the library, he was only friends with Sam and they only became friends because Jacob was learning sign language (for fun) and wanted to practice with someone

— Jake not very in sync with his emotions. He doesn't know how to express them properly, he has a hard time with words and would rather talk in the language of mathematics, he hasn't really established solid friendships with anyone in high school, he thrives in his self-imposed isolation and can't be bothered/doesn't want to enter the social sphere

— then nEw HAm HapPens and Jake is out of his comfort zone. He can no longer stay invisible. He is faced with people he doesn't talk to/have never met and one of these people is Kelly Aldrich.

— Of course he knew Kelly, everybody knows Kelly but that was all he knew. They've always been neighbours and the Aldrich's welcomed them with a warm batch of cookies when they first moved in but that was the extent of their interactions

— when they first arrive and they find out their phones aren't working and stuff, Kelly and Jake head to the Cassandra's gathering thing together, Harry is jealous that Kelly came with another guy and since then will be passive aggressive towards Jake

— when Harry and Kelly break up, Kelly seeks a confidant and she knows (because of Jake's limited number of friends and zero desire for gossip) she could trust Jake. So Jake tries his best to provide a shoulder to cry on but its awkward and difficult for him because he's not good with emotions but he tries really hard

— Jake likes isolation but ironically, he is scared of being alone (he's also scared of the dark, he's got this little glow bulb thing in his room) so he asks Kelly whether it'd be okay for him to stay at her place for a while and so they inflate some mattresses and sleep next to each other in the living room and its really cute and fluffyyyy

— over time/over season, Jake begins to open up more to Kelly and they share secrets and memories and Jake reveals his feelings of how it sucks being alone in school and how his parents are pressuring him to do really good as their friendship develops, he begins to develop romantic feelings for Kelly!!

— Kelly develops feelings for him too and is kinda annoyed at herself for not recognising him and befriending him during high school, their friendship is really really solid and they're really sweet and so this book should be light and fluffy with slight deep-ish moments

— ending is your choice!!

( plot by ellie ! )

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