Chapter 14 | The Last Goodbye

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**Hayes pov**

I woke up, and Kat was gone. We didn't sleep together as a couple, we slept as friends who didn't wanna sleep on the floor. That's all.

I went downstairs and realized no one was home. I walked over to the fridge and saw a note.

Went to the West's house. We're going out for a brunch type thing. Go get ready and come over.

I went upstairs and changed into a white button up shirt and khaki pants. I put on my black vans and walked over to Kat's house.

**Kats pov** (Hayes is still sleeping)

I woke up to Hayes snoring. I giggled. We didn't sleep together as a couple, we slept as friends who didn't wanna sleep on the floor. That's all.

I got up and went downstairs. I walked over to the fridge and saw a note.

Went to the West's house. We're going out for a brunch type thing. Go get ready and come over.

I remembered my dad was leaving tonight, and I started crying a little bit. I texted Bre and told her I was on my way, then left.

When I got to my house everyone was sitting in the living room, watching football. "Hey beautiful," my dad said. I smiled. "I'm gonna shower and get ready," I said. "Alright honey, but hurry. We gotta get going," my mom said.

I ran upstairs and hopped in the shower. I got out and blow dried and curled my hair. I twisted the front back and put on a little bit of mascara. I walked over to my closet and put on a bright coral sundress. I slid on my white sandals and walked downstairs.

**Hayes pov**

When I got to Kat's house, I walked in the living room and watched football with everyone. Bre was wearing a black maxi shirt with a black and white tribal print top, Tyler was wearing a short white lace skirt with a teal crop top, and Kayla was wearing a white lace sundress. Skylynn looked the cutest in a light pink tanktop and a hot pink tutu. Everyone was so dressed up, it was nice.

I got on my phone and started scrolling through Twitter, when all the sudden I hear Nash yell, "Hubba hubba!" I look up and see Kat, looking beautiful as always. Her beautiful blonde hair was perfectly curled, and her dress fit her perfectly. I couldn't help but stare.

"Take a picture it'll last longer," Kat giggled. I blushed and turned around.

**Kats pov**

My dad walked up and hugged me. "Let's go eat!" He said. I smiled and teared up a little. I wasn't ready for him to leave.

We all got in 2 cars and left. I was in a van with Bre, my dad, my mom, Skylynn and Hayes. The other van had Elizabeth, Chad, Kayla, Nash, Cam, and Tyler.

When we got there, everyone argued over who got to sit by my dad. It ended up being my mom, me, my dad, Bre, Cam, Tyler, and across was Elizabeth, Skylynn, Hayes, Chad, Nash, and Kayla.

While we were waiting for our food, my phone went off.

Hayes: You look beautiful today, Miss Katherine :)

I blushed and replied.

"You look very handsome yourself, Mr Benjamin."

He started typing, but our food came.

When we finally finished eating, we all went home. The Griers said their goodbyes to my dad and went home. It was just me, my dad, my mom, and Bre.

We all went to the couch and cuddled together. Bre was the first to lose it. She started bawling and ran up to her room and slammed her door. "I'll go talk to her," I said. My parents nodded and I went upstairs.

"Bre?" I asked, knocking. She didn't answer, so I just walked in. Her face was buried in her pillows, and she was sobbing. "THIS ISN'T FAIR! KIDS AT SCHOOL HAVE THEIR DADS COME TO THEIR FOOTBALL GAMES OR THEIR CHOIR CONCERTS AND THEY ACT LIKE IT'S NO BIG DEAL, BUT WE DON'T GET THAT! IT'S NOT FREAKING FAIR!" Bre yelled. I started tearing up.

I walked over to her bed and started rubbing her back. "I know this is hard, but we have to be strong for dad, we can cry after he leaves, but we have to be strong while he's here." "No we can't! We can never let our emotions out because we have to be strong for mom. We're the kids! Why do we have to be the strong ones all the time?" Bre replied.


When my dad first left for the military, 2 years ago, my mom became super depressed. She began drinking, and for awhile she never came out of her room. One night, she ran downstairs, straight to the medicine cabinet. She was drunk. She started pouring pills into her hands, and just as she was about to take them, Bre slapped them out of her hand. I was just standing in the entry way, too scared and confused to move. My mom looked up, with makeup stains on her face. She looked at Bre, then at me, and grabbed both of us. She pulled us into a hug and started crying. "I'm sorry guys," she whispered. After that, she stopped drinking, and things went back to normal.


"Let's go say our goodbyes, unless you'd rather not say it at all," I said. Bre nodded and we went downstairs.

My mom and dad were cuddling on the couch. I smiled and jumped on top of them, then Bre did the same. "I'm gonna miss you guys so much," my dad said crying. "We're gonna miss you too," we all said at the same time. We started laughing.

"Hey Bre, did ya see that red car out there?" My dad asked. Bre nodded. "IT'S YOURS!" He yelled. Bre jumped up and screamed. "But you gotta take Kat wherever she wants," he added winking. I jumped up and screamed, mocking Bre. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

After about and hour of talking, it was time for my dad to go. The taxi was here. I gave him my final hug, and started crying.

"I love you daddy," I whispered to him. "I love you more, sweetheart." He started crying, and got in the taxi. And that was it, he was gone, and that was the last time I would ever see him again.

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