Chapter 1 | Big News

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"KAT SLOW DOWN!" I heard my sister, Breanne yelling from behind me. I didn't even realize she was so far behind me. I stopped pennyboarding, and waited for her to catch up. "Geez Bre, slow much?" I said jokingly. She rolled her eyes, and we started walking back up the street to our house.

I stopped in front of my best friend's house and just looked at it. "You miss him don't you?" Breanne asked, rubbing my back. I sighed and nodded.

My best friend since we were babies, was Hayes Grier. Yes. The Hayes Grier. He's been on some tour called magcon with his brother and some friends all summer. I missed him a lot. We were always together. He lived two doors down from me.

I shrugged and kept walking with Breanne back to our house. I walked inside and ran upstairs to my room. I put my pennyboard back in my closet and took off my converse.

I threw myself on my bed and set my phone up on my bed side table. I scrolled through my contacts until I found Hayes who was named Brotha from anotha motha with that emoji with the sunglasses on, and pressed facetime.

He answered after about 10 rings. "Katherine Renae Brooks, how are you doin?" he said. I laughed. "Call me Kat, k thanks," I replied. He laughed. "Noted." I hated when people called me by my real name, Katherine, it sounded so professional to me. "I miss you," he said.

I laid my head down on my bed. "I miss you too Hayes, how long till you come back?" "Not saying, it's a surprise." I rolled my eyes and then I heard the doorbell ring. "Welp, Megan just got here, gotta go!" I said. I hung up and ran downstairs.

Megan was my best friend that I hung out with at school and stuff. She always has been. I don't like any of Hayes friends, and he doesn't really like any of mine, so I hang out with mine, and he hangs out with his in school and things like that.

I opened the door, and let Megan in. We both ran upstairs. "I gotta be home in 3 hours," Megan said. I pretended to cry. I laid back on my bed, and Megan was laying on the floor in my bean bag.

My phone went off. It was a text from Hayes, and it said "I have big news to tell you when I get home." I read it out loud to Megan. "Well, when is he coming home?" Megan asked. I shrugged. "He won't tell me."

All of a sudden, I heard a scream from downstairs. It came from Breanne. I looked over at Megan, and we both ran downstairs. Breanne was in the kitchen, on the phone.

"That's amazing!" she said. "What's amazing?" I whispered. Breanne looked back frantic. "Call ya later," she said and hung up. I gave her a weird look.

"Nash just called me and was telling me about the events and stuff," Breanne said, sounding worried. "Did he say when he was coming home?" I asked. Her eyes got big. "Um, noooooo," she said. I gave her another weird look, turned around, and went back upstairs.

"What's her deal?" Megan asked. I shrugged. "I don't even know." "Oh crap, my mom's here. Love you Kat!" Megan said running downstairs. "Love ya too!" I yelled back.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a water bottle. "Is mom home?" I asked Breanne. "Yeah, she's in her room, folding laundry." I nodded and ran back upstairs into my mom's room.

"Hey babe," she said, not taking her eyes off of the laundry. "Hi," I replied sitting down on the chair in her room. "I'm so tired, I'm gonna go to bed." "Night sweetie!" I walked out of her room, and down the hall to mine. I took of my shorts and put on a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt that Hayes sent me in the mail that said magcon on it. I pulled my long blonde hair into a messy bun and got in bed. I plugged my phone in and fell asleep almost isntantly.

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