Chapter 54 | Would you Rather

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***okay guys so this is getting super long, so I'm gonna try and make chapter 55 the last chapter, BUT I will be making a sequel so don't be sad!!***

**Hayes pov**

Grace💓: mall today?

Hayes😍❤️: yes! meet u there in 30?

Grace💓: sounds good :)

Grace and I are not dating. We're just friends. Ironically enough, she has a 24 year old sister who lives in North Carolina. She came down to visit her, and we've been hanging out everyday. I think I am starting to like her... like 'like like'. (oooooh he likes her)


"Hayes?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and saw Kat, who embraced me in a hug. I gladly hugged her back.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"I've been good, you?"


I looked over and saw Grace sitting in the food court, surfing through her phone.

"Well, I gotta get going. We should catch up soon," I said.

"Sounds good, bye."

I waved and walked towards Grace.

Do you ever miss someone so much that you don't even think about them anymore? But when you hear their voice or see them, you feel a rush of pain because you've missed them so much. That's how Kat makes me feel.


"So what's it like being on tour all the time?" Grace asked, taking a sip of her Starbucks.

"It's so much fun, I love hanging out with the guys, and I love meeting all the amazing fans. But, it's also really rough because I'm always a little behind in school, and I don't get to see my friends and family here that much. Nash has it worse though. He goes to EVERY event, whereas I just go to some."

"I think it would be a lot of fun to go on an event like that. Hanging out with a bunch of your friends, meeting people who adore you and care about you, and just getting away."

I nodded.

"You should come sometime," I suggested.

"Really? That would be sick!!"

I smiled. I think I'll bring her to the next event.

**Kats pov**
**after she sees hayes**

I let out a sigh and tried to hold in my tears.

Do you ever miss someone so much that you don't even think about them anymore? But when you hear their voice or see them, you feel a rush of pain because you've missed them so much. That's how Hayes makes me feel.

I just wanted to go over to him and squeeze him. I miss his hugs. I miss his little small kisses all over my face. I miss those long kisses that seemed to last forever. I miss him.

But I have Sammy, and I love Sammy. Sammy has been there for me through everything, and I couldn't thank him enough for that.

Holy shit.

Why does a 14 year old have to go through all these emotions?


When I got home I decided to make a YouTube video since I hadn't made one in almost a month. I tweeted out, asking people what video I should do, and not surprisingly I got a lot of requests to make a video with Hayes. I don't know why, everyone knows we broke up. Oh well. The fans want what they want. I decided to text Hayes.

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