We'll Be Fine

437 26 6

TW: crying, If there's anything else tell me

Virgil's POV:

I was aware of my feet moving, sliding across the ground. Patton was supporting me. His grunts made me feel ashamed of my own ability.

My powers were fading in and out. I couldn't hold the invisibility for long, and, if I became to distracted, I would change his hair on accident.

"Are you okay, kiddo?"

"I'm sorry," I whimpered. "I'm sorry I can't do more..."

My knees gave out from under me. If I was okay, then we'd get out of here faster. If I didn't have these powers then I wouldn't be here. Neither would Patton. Or Logan. Or Roman, or Thomas, or Emile, or Remy.

All my fault.

"Kiddo, do you think you can stand? For me?"

I felt tears leak from my eyes. It hurt because I couldn't even be strong for the person that considered me their son. I must really be useless.

"I c-can't. I'm sorry." I shook my head and clenched my hands. "I can't do this, this. You should just leave me."

I had let go of the illusion. I couldn't keep it up. It was hurting my head and pushing against my skull.

A pair of arms lifted me bridal style. I may be light weighted, but I could hear the struggle.

"You're my kiddo. I could never leave you," Patton said. "Can you still create illusions, or do you need a break?"

Poor Patton. He just never knew when to give up.

"A break... please..."

"Okay, kiddo. Just try to rest."

I nodded, snuggling closer to him.

"We'll be fine."


Patton's POV:

"We'll be fine," I muttered, mostly for myself.

Virgil snuggled into my chest more. If the time was more appropriate then I would I coo at him.

He was heavier than he seemed. I wasn't very strong to begin with anyways. If Roman was here he could carry him with ease.


I missed him. I miss the fact that he would know what to do. I could've killed them. Remus and Diesel, as Virgil refers to them. I didn't want to. I just want to leave.

Virgil looked up at me, eyes wide. I could see new puddles of tears escaping his eyes.

"Remus is looking for us." His voice was barely louder than a whisper. I could feel his fear.

My breath was caught in my throat. I need to get us out of here. Now.

"Virge, are you sure you can't use your illusions?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"I'm sorry, Pat. I-I'm so sorry," he muttered.

"Okay, it's okay."

It was fine, we could figure something out. I laid Virgil on the ground. I need to cover our tracks.

I raised my hand making a wall of ice to block the path.

"That should hold him, for awhile at least."

I lifted Virgil again, helping him into my back so my hands would be free.

"We'll be fine."


Logan's POV:

The others had stopped screaming. I'm glad, it was beginning to twist my stomach.

"Logan?" Roman called to me. "How do you expect us to defeat them when my brother can take us down with just a thought?"

That was a rather hard question. How could we defeat them? What I had gathered was that I was, more or less, unaffected with Remus' powers.

With Virgil, if we reminded him that none of it was real they went away. I had heard those thoughts myself when I was going to tutor Thomas, but I had dismissed them easily.

"Remus' power is intrusive thoughts, from what Information I have attained. Thus, we need to see his thoughts as mere suggestions," I mumbled, tapping my chin.

"What?" Roman stood, helping the others.

"Remus' weakness is simple. His powers is based on our reaction. If we give him attention, we give him power." This was better. We were getting somewhere.

The rest nodded, standing and stretching. Thomas' eyes flashed a dangerous green. "I'm coming, V."

Remy let out a bunch of sparks. "Let's light this candle stick."

I felt a bit more confident in our success. We walked through the door instantly covered in darkness. The warehouse wasn't extremely big, but it would be difficult to make our way around without light.

"Remy do you feel any electricity?" Remy took off his glasses and closed his eyes.


Thomas looked up, a certain gleam in his eyes that mimicked Patton's. "I guess we're in the dark about this one, huh?"

"Oh my Newton. Emile do you think you could super speed a bit further to see if you see them?" I asked. It was the best plan I had.

Hopefully it works.



Thanks for reading, and jeez Louise I hope you enjoy the rest of it. ❤️❤️ We're Fam- ILY

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