Master of Deception

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TW: Minimal cursing, implied injury,  in depth words of torture, and panic attacks. Tell me if there's more.

Virgil's POV:

It was becoming harder to breathe after every minute. The cold chains now pressed against my wrists, cutting into my skin.

It was becoming harder to ignore the lack of hope in Patton's posture. The was he slumped to one side, energy depleting him.

And, unfortunately, it was becoming harder to ignore the confining walls and the deafening silence.

It was all my fault.

If I had just stuck it out. If I hadn't ran away from home. From a family so desperate to display normalcies. From Thomas.

Where was he now? Hopefully nowhere near me. I felt a tear run down my cheek, mixing with sweat.

My fault.

There was a small push against my chest, forcing the air out of my lungs.

"No, no, no," I mumbled softly, voice trembling with fear and anxiety.

A harder push. "Not now, please..."

I could feel the air leaking out of me and my breaths varying in size. More tears ran down my face.

My fault.

"Kiddo?" A voice deprived of energy, raspy with worry asked. "What's going on?"

"Pa-" The force pushed again. Harder, cutting off my words. I opened my mouth to speak again, but no words came. Just broken sobs and empty hope.

A door opened, that at the very least I was aware of. The foot steps rang with each step, a reminder of my past.

"Aww, is poor Virgil having a panic attack?" The voice drawled. The face was framed with two perfect yellow eyes and a smile that spoke of so many atrocities.


His face blurred with tears. But those eyes, I don't think I could ever not see them, paired with that devious smile.

"He- Help..." I didn't mean to ask. But it seems old habits die fast. And it seems my cracked lips felt the need to ask.

A sneer filled Diesel's face. His yellow eyes illuminated delight in this activity.

"No, I don't believe I will."

I knew the answer before that awful sneer had filled his face and fitted his lips. But, it didn't stop my chest from heaving dry air.

"Besides I have a plan to enact. Isn't that right, dear Patton?" Diesel's voice whispered. "If you wouldn't mind looking this way?"

Patton craned his neck and spat at him.
"Fuck you."

Diesel frowned, wiping off the spit. "Fine, be that way."

I wasn't aware of the contact of a fist to my cheek, nor the iron taste settling in my mouth. But I could faintly hear the cry of pain that left my lips.

"Virgil?" I heard a voice whisper. I could've sworn it was Patton, but it seemed I couldn't quite hear anything over my sobs and my small attempts to breathe.

"Fine," the same voice whispered. The defeat was ringing in the voice, echoing the last of its hope.

"Good boy," another drawled.


Logan's POV:

My mind was racing as we drove towards that abandon warehouse, faint screams could be heard in the distance.

"I'm almost there, Virge. I promise." I found myself whispering every few minutes like a broken record.

I could see a building in the distance and a figure standing outside of it. I clenched the handles to my motorbike. I was barely containing my energy, much less my powers.

I sped down towards the building as it came closer, forcing the others to hurry behind me as well.

The figure was much easier to see as I came closer. Dressed in a ripped Wonder Woman outfit.


I parked the motorbike, running towards Patton. I could hear the car stop and footsteps pound the ground.

"Patton!" He was enveloped in a hug by Roman. I could see the desperation and worry sketched into Roman's face. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

Patton shook his head no. "I'm alright Roman. I promise." His voice was wrong. Too deep, too... unworried? Vacant of any fear.

"Patton?" I questioned.

"In the flesh," he answered. The sickening smile on his face as he said it was... strange.

"Where is he, Patton?" He seemed to freeze at the question. He smiled sickly, feigning for sadness.

"Oh, friendo, I don't know," he whispered.


That's not Patton.

"Roman do you remember what Virgil had said about his kidnappers?" I asked as the others had climbed out of the car and were joining us. I looked to Roman, hoping he was understanding the implication.
"How one could shape shift."

He jerked away from Patton in realization. "Patton?" He whimpered.

The Patton impersonater froze, a vicious smile growing on his face. "Remus said you would be hard to fool, I suppose I didn't expect you to foil my job so easily."

It was strange to hear these words leaving   Patton's mouth. I watched as small orbs of water leaked out of Roman's eyes. Normally I would cringe at such an open display of affection, but now was not the time.

"Diesel," I heard Remy whisper, pure hatred covering his voice.

'Patton' had shape-shifted back to his original form. With yellow piercing eyes and an atrocious smirk. "Why is no one willing to call me by my name?" He yawned at the sight of Remy holding lightning in the palms of his hands.


"There we go."


Did you like it? I hope you did! Especially since I hadn't written in a while. But Band Camp was fun. I had two panic attacks, but that was just from performing. I'm okay though, and very happy at how this book it turning out, if I'm to be  honest. I thought for maybe the rest of the book that I'd speak in first person pov? Maybe? It depends on y'all and what y'all would like. Also, I was thinking since school is about to start and this book should be finished before then, then I would write a, mostly, analogically one shot. It would include some others but mostly analogical. Maybe? Idk, just tell me what you think, k? Love you and thanks for reading.

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