Hunger Games Got Real

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TW: Minimal fighting, screaming

Logan's POV:

"Deceit." I heard Emile whisper under his breath as he stood in front of Thomas as protection.

"There we go," Diesel hissed. "Ah, who's that? Why, it can't be the infamous brother of Virgil could it?" A devilish laugh filled the cool night air. "I never did believe I would meet you. I suppose you could say I'm your figurative father."

He stepped closer and closer to Thomas. Remy stood next to Emile, attempting to make a barricade around Thomas.

"Aww, how adorable." Diesel's lips curled into a snarl. "You believe you can protect him."

This was too unreal, to illogical. There was no reason for Diesel- Deceit - to need Thomas, Virgil, or Patton. So why? Why all of this? I suppose Virgil's powers are incredibly strong, but he can barely control them himself. Why?

"What is your plan?" I mumbled. I motioned for Roman to grab his wooden out of his hilt as my hand landed on my daggers. "Why do you need them? They serve no purpose to any plan."

Diesel turned gracefully away from Thomas, shifting his attention to me.

"Ah, Logan. One could call you a potential lover for Virgil. I suppose you'd need my blessing."

My words stumbled and my eyes flashed. "You might want to learn to keep his name off your lips." I could feel the anger build in me.

Diesel laughed, shredding me with fear. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Logan. You're not making a very good impression."

"Give. Me. Back. Virgil." Remy answered instead of me. Lightning filled Remy's hands, dancing between his fingers. "I don't want to fight you again, Dee."

Diesel smirked. "I'd love to see you try."

Roman pulled his sword in front of him, lighting it with flames. "Five against one. I'm no mathematician, but the odds are not in your favor."

I would have congratulated Roman for his Hunger Games reference if the time were appropriate.

"Who said I was alone?" Diesel whispered, eyes shinning a dangerous pale yellow.

Everyone screamed in jarring pain as they clutched their heads, attempting to tear into their minds. I stood alone, confused and fearful.

Of course I could hear the whispers of my greatest nightmares, but I knew it was illogical and irrelevant. My team, however, tried to rid themselves of whatever had invaded their minds.

Remy stood and threw a strike of lightning at Diesel, who simply stepped away.

A devilish smiles appeared on his face as he looked at me.

"May the odds be forever in your favor," he whispered as he walked into the warehouse.


Virgil's POV

If I closed my eyes I could pretend I was still a child with big purple eyes and parents who were slightly concerned with being normal.

If I closed my eyes I could remember the night my feet pounded the pavement in busted sneakers and raged jacket.

If I closed my eyes I could remember walking away with Diesel and Remus. I could pretend for a moment I was safe.

If only it were true and not a ruthless game of pretend. A game I learned well enough that I can never win.

Screaming could be heard outside these thin walls. I tried to focus on it, searching for anyone who could help.

They must have come and failed to get in. Meaning, it depended on us to rescue ourselves. But, Patton was barely responsive and I myself was on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

"Logan, please...." My voice cracked. "Please... I need you..."

All I could hear were my broken sobs playing over the screams outside the walls.



Patton's POV:

My head pounded with worry and fear. I only had so much energy to fuel my power, but I had to help Virgil get out of here, at the very least. His small whimpers broke my heart and furthered my will power to escape.

We can't depend on the others to save us. Basing off the screams outside, Remus is probably in their heads right now.

What would Logan do? What would Roman do?

I focused on the chains that wrapped around my wrists tightly.

In Frozen Elsa froze the chains and was able to break them. Can I do that?

I pushed my power to the chains freezing them. I pulled tightly and heard a snap.


"Dad?" Virgil whimpered. I stood, placing my hands on his chains.

"You have to pull," I whispered in his ear. "C'mon, bud, you got this."

I watched as he pushed against the chains, as they strained to stay together. Quickly, they snapped.

"Good job, kiddo." His eyes were droopy and his body was shaking with tension and fear. "We're going to get out of here, Virge, but I need your help."

He nodded, trying to focus on me.

"Do you think you can make us invisible? So we can find the others and get out of here?"

"Not, not for lo-ong," he stuttered. I pitied the boy, he was living his childhood trauma.

"Then we'll be quick."


I didn't know what to put for a title.

Don't judge me.

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