Chpt 16 - To Kuta Raja

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Nur practically insisted that her and Amir walk with us back to our ship despite the fact that it was just over two hours away on foot.

She continued to insist upon it despite mine and Amir's protestations that it was far too far for them to walk just to say goodbye to us, and refused to relent until all five of us (Francis, Antonio, and Arthur joined in) were telling her that it was entirely unnecessary.

She eventually gave up with a huff as she folded her arms, muttering to herself about everyone's lack of understanding of manners.

So, when we did eventually set off for our ships, Nur and Amir stood on their doorstep, with Nur offering all of us a warm hug, Amir offering us a handshake, and the two of them giving us blessings for our journey.

After pulling away from my hug with Nur, she examined my face again, cupping it in her small, withered hands. She smiled at me and nodded, as if confirming something that she had suspected all along.

"Anda mempunyai jiwa yang istimewa," she whispered, "dan anda akan melalui banyak ujian dalam hidup anda." You have a special soul, and you will go through many trials in your lives.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Hidup?" Lives?

Nur simply nodded her head before continuing, "Jangan biarkan Orang Kuno memanfaatkan jiwa anda." Do not let The Ancient Ones take advantage of your soul.

She placed a hand over my heart and nodded at me for a third time before she withdrew back to her husband's side.

Was that some sort of... blessing?

They gifted each of us with a small, wooden pot full of dried tea leaves, which we at first refused, saying that their hospitality had been enough, but they continued to insist, so we took them with another flurry of 'thank you's.

As we began our walk back, Arthur asked me, "What was Nur telling you?"


"When she put her hand on your heart, love. What was that about?"

I cracked a grin at him despite my own confusion. "Just an extra blessing, Eyebrows. Clearly I'm the favourite."

And as we passed out of the clearing that housed the small wooden hut of Amir and Nur, I turned around one last time in order to wave at them.

Except there was nothing there to wave at.

No hut, no garden, no chickens, and no elderly couple.

In fact, it was as if nothing had been in that clearing at all.


"Adakah anda fikir Nasib baik kepada mereka, Buana?" asked Amir Bin Iffaan. Do you think Fate will be kind to them, Buana?

Nur Binte Buana smiled sadly, before she moved her gaze from the trees on the edge of the clearing to the blue sky above her.

"Tidak, Iffaan" she replied softly, "Orang-Orang Purba tidak pernah baik ketika mereka bosan." No, Iffaan. The Ancient Ones are never kind when they are bored.

High above her, so high that the eyesight of a regular being would not see it, three large birds flew side by side, watching the scene unfolding below them.

A Raven, a Magpie, and a Phoenix.

Buana's eyes misted over with regret and longing as her husband followed her gaze, placing a hand on her shoulder when he saw them too.

"Tidak betul, anak-anakku?" she whispered. Isn't that right, my children?

The reply came in the form of three different bird calls, but a regular being would not have heard them from such distance.

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