15: Finally Back

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I blinked blearily to something nudging my wing. I grunted and shifted myself, covering my body with my wings.

"Auntie Amber! Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!" a squeaky voice called out in my mind. I groaned. It was too early for this. The sun was warm and the sand was soft and... wait, the sun is warm?

I opened my eyes and sure enough, I was outside in the park with all of the other dragonets. A piece of my heart that felt like it was missing returned. I was with my family and free once more.

Letting out a trill of happiness, I tried to flap my wings but found that they were weak and sore. Shaking my head, I settled back on the ground as I observed the two fledglings that were locked in a fight about who told their parents that I was back in the forest.

Amberley was a gold dragonet that was born two months before I was taken. She had forest green eyes, and her mother was one of my best friends, who named the little girl after me.

Amberley's sister was called Ivy for her forest green scales and green eyes. She was named after her father's little sister, Ivory, who didn't survive the metaforming back at the lab.

The two girls' parents were called Sarah and Theo. Both of them had abusive childhoods and were placed into an asylum for attempted suicide. Besides what many may think about asylums, they are actually really nice and good for people like that. I was briefly placed in an asylum when I was eight for a few months, and they helped my depression lessen.

Sarah and Theo, on the other hand, went into one of the bad asylums where they didn't care about the children there. Sarah and Theo were actually the only people out of the 108 of us that knew each other before getting kidnapped.

They were friends, but their mental states got worse and bad enough to the point where they were admitted into the mental hospital, where they got better.

After they got out, they were in physical therapy for a while, and became what they called, 'gymaholics' and were kidnapped for their impressive speeds and better strength than most others.

Two years ago, the two had gotten together officially, after much teasing from me, Tasha, and our other friend, Tom. Amberley and Ivy were their first two children, and both of them were over half the size of their parents. They were also extremely prone to fighting instead of arguing. I stole a piece of food without them knowing, and they blamed the other. Five seconds of arguing later, both of them were fighting each other. It took almost an hour to break them up as they would pretend to be fine, and then go back at it again.

"How about Ivy helps me to the stream and Amberley go gets your parents. I'm weak and sore right now, and I want some water." Turning to Amberley, I said, "And tell them to bring plenty of Taka fruit for me."

Amberley rolled her eyes. "You and your Taka fruit. I will never understand." Shaking her head, she flew away as fast as a few month old fledgling could. I snickered a bit as I painfully lifted up my wings and staggered to my feet, Ivy darting underneath my right-wing and helping me wobble to the stream.

"Thanks, Ivy," I said to the kid that was about half my size. Ivy blinked up owlishly at me and gave me a mental grin. Ivy was always the quiet one of the two sisters, as she chose to show her emotions more than talk, but she was also a huge prankster.

I perked up as I heard a faint flapping noise, looking to my left. Ivy nudged me before flying away as she sent me her mental course to find her sister and parents.

I stood up on my haunches–rather painfully, I might add–and trilled to the sky before my brain was attacked by merciless dragonets that wanted to make me explode.

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