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The whistle rang out against the panting of my team, signifying that the game was over. I cheered. We had won the game.

"Yo, Amber!" my friend, D.J., called. "Good game. Don't forget that I'm gonna get to one-up you soon."

"If soon means never, then sure!" I exclaimed in a playful voice. D.J. scowled before knocking the back of his foot against my knee, trying to make me buckle.

I didn't though. I was always balanced when I was younger, and I never buckled. It didn't stop him from trying, though.

"Well, I have to head home. They'll want to know how my game went. I bet they betted on if I won or lost again," I told him with a chuckle. My parents always bantered on if I won or lost. Mom usually won. I hardly ever lost. It was like an unknown word to me.

"Well, if the princess would like to head home in her gold chariot, I shall bid you good day," he said with a bow. I lightly punched him in the arm and he yelped. I did it with a little too much force.

"Awe, come on, Goldie. Why do you have to be so violent?" he asked. I smacked him upside the head and he yelped again. I hated the name he gave me.

My eyes were this bright amber color, hence my name. Now, my friends called me 'Goldie' or they referred to me having things that were gold. D.J. always called me princess and talked about my golden castle watching over my gold and silver kingdom on my golden throne.

Call it ironic, but my favorite color is silver. And dark grey. And dark blue. And other dark colors. I was also a tomboy. I even had a boy's haircut; the sides and back were buzzed but the hair on top of my head fell down in waves. And can you guess my hair color?


Well, not necessarily gold. It was like this glittery blonde that was dark. Kind of a honey color.

"Bee!" a voice called. I spun and saw my best friend, Mika, waving to me. I waved back and slowed as she ran to me. She greeted D.J. with a kiss on his cheek and gave me a hug.

"How are you?" she asked. That was code for, 'how much did you make those boys regret coming?'.

"We won by a landslide," I replied. "Thirty-two versus eight. All of them taunted me for being the only girl on the team, but I scored most of those shots and I did my special rebounding trick."

"By most of the shots I am guessing that you made over twenty-five?" she inquired.


"Okay," she grinned. "What was the damage?"

"Nine bloody noses, two broken noses, and fourteen red faces with bruises, and a couple more for those few kids that couldn't take a hint the first time 'round," I replied with a malicious grin on my face.

"How are you even able to do it?" D.J. asked.

My rebound shots were made when I was in a corner with the ball and couldn't get back. I would aim a kick to the ball and it would hit the persons face, no matter how tall they were. After it hit them, the ball came back and I dribbled it away before they could get over their shock.

"Angle the ball with my mind, aim the force and trajectory, then shoot right under their noses so it comes back to you and their nose gets messed up."

"Remind me never to get in between you and a soccer ball," she noted, giving me a mock look of terror. I shoved her lightly and D.J. caught her before she reached the ground. I always underestimated my strength.

D.J. and Mika were my best friends since grade school. They had finally gotten together last year after I left about a thousand not-so-subtle hints over the past five years.

I sighed as I looked around. I had some time to head to the store to get some food for the wild cats that came by my house every now and then. Cats always seemed to love me, even if they were shy at first.

"Well, I gotta go," I told them. Mika sighed.

"Another practice? Game? Sword match?" she asked. I knew that it was kind of tiring for us because I had this unpredictable schedule with everything that I do, so we hardly head out together.

"No, I got to get some food for the cats that come by," I said, walking off.

"Fine," she grumbled, poking me in the arm.

"I'll see you later on your golden chariot!" D.J. called. I was too far to punch him so I continued to walk away, but I raised my hand to the air and flipped him off. I heard Mika laugh as D.J. grumbled.

I smirked and headed off to the store, not knowing about what would happen to me.

Break To The Sky  (Watty's 2019 Entry)Where stories live. Discover now