5: Escape

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I finally landed a blow on the shoulder of the man that held me and he yelped, letting me go in surprise. I gave another slash at him before flying to the corner and snarling at them.

I was one of the few that managed to land hits, but me being like me, can strategize how to get a hit in. One of the perks of being in almost every sports team in town.

I was one of the 'troublemakers' here, but not like a few of the others. I just attack anything that comes into range or do something a little over my comfort zone. The others would just keep attacking.

I was put back in my cage and I hissed at them as they put me back on the rack. I was always one of the last ones to go so once I got back, so all the white coats left.

"What was the damage?" Tasha asked. Even though it was hard to see each other, we were best friends in this place.

"Two nasty scratches," I replied. I sent an image of it through the mind link. Some laughed, some sighed. I've been here for over a year and the older ones always were exasperated by me. But how could they be? I was the one who decided to call our species 'Dragonets' because of how we look compared to a dragon. We were literally tiny fruit-eating dragons! But they still seem exasperated by me.

I chittered off and finished my kiwi. The seeds were really tasty to eat, but the skin is not so good. Thank you for giving us sharp claws that can tear through skin like butter.

Tasha and I struck up another private conversation. We were as close as we could get to sisters, despite the fact of it being hard to see each other.

A sudden rumbling shook the room and I spread my wings as far as they could go in here to balance.

The other Dragonets started chattering rapidly. I squealed as there was a loud boom.

Then, another loud boom rang out. But this time, it took the wall down with it. It also knocked over four Dragonet cages and broke them.

"Let us out! Quick!" the purple dragonet across from Zach yelled.

One dragonet was too dazed to come help immediately, but the others started unlatching and breaking cages.

I trilled as I was let out before flying over to Tasha's cage. She trilled to me in greeting as we did a short dance in the air. Then we started opening other cages.

There was another loud boom and I looked to see that the wall had a large gap in it. It would be easy for many of us to fly through all at once.

"Let's go!" I needed no further suggestions as I flew through the hole in the wall with Tasha at my side. So far, the only difference between us was that she had blue eyes and I had amber ones. Otherwise, you would think that we were related. Of course, we practically were sisters so...

It looked like there was a small city nearby, but I still didn't know where we truly were.

"We're at the edge of a city?" Tasha asked me. I replied with a mental shrug as I enjoyed the feeling of the wind blowing against my scales.

Explosions rang in my ears as I looked over. From what I saw, I almost fell out of the air. "What is that?"

It was like a warzone outside. The large booms were caused by the tanks that people were setting off at flying disks in the air.

The ships were huge, and there had to be at least a hundred of them. What was worse was the yellow beams of light coming down from them, like in a movie. Only, when they passed over the humans, it turned them into goo with their clothing and guns inside it.


I decided that now was a good time to listen like the mature creature I was for the first time in a while as I flew as fast as I could. I ended up in the front of the dragonets, my speed and agility from my past life as a human probably helping me.

I watched in shock as a missile flew off of a blue shimmery shield of one of the ships. I faltered slightly, letting my instincts turn from flee now to find Tasha and make sure she's alright. After all, we were honorary sisters.

As I glided slightly, I fell back into the middle of our flock, tilting to the left a bit to stay even with my friend.

I pushed myself like I used to when I was running track. My coach used to say, "Once you feel the pain and the burning, let it turn into determination. Don't give up!"

Everyone was slowing down. I fell back once more as I saw Tasha trying to keep up with my fast pace. She was pushing her limits, I could tell. She didn't know how to change her emotions into power like I did.

"It's gaining on us!!" a red dragonet screeched. I glanced back, but I almost wished I didn't.

A yellow beam, the same one that turned the people and white coats into goo, was closing in on our tails. Alarm flashed across the mind link as the light passed over us.

I glanced down as many shrieks made my head hurt, but I had not turned into goo.

Our speedy flight that seemed to rely on the fact that we thought we were going to die turned into a hover of confusion.

"Unless you feel like chasing light, I suggest that we rest and plan in that park over there," the secret agent said. A voiceless term of agreement answered him.

With that, we planned.

Break To The Sky  (Watty's 2019 Entry)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن