6: Getting Help From an Alien

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*4 Years Later*

I padded into a clearing and stretched out. Years ago, a white alien race erased the human species off the face of the earth, building their homes and flattening cities.

We learned we could understand them, which I deemed crazy. We also had these little information pockets that let us know what things were, even if we never saw them before. We call them Blood Memories.

About three months after the white aliens came here, they were wiped out by a tall green race that looked faintly humanoid. They called themselves the Kymari.

They were a warrior's race, but they were peaceful among each other. They really didn't tolerate other species or let them live on planets they colonized. They only temporarily kept them around if they were good for trading.

The males usually wore armor and kept at least one weapon, although I have seen a few holding at least ten before. The women usually don't wear armor, but kept a knife on their belt. All the men also had a foldable spear-like thing that worked as an energy weapon.

I grabbed the two ripe blueberries on the bush on my way to explore some new things.

We had moved into this park about a month after the race took over. There were just too many dangers on the other side of the wall that were not afraid of us or the flame that we could produce.

I liked this race better than the other two that I have met before. Myself being one of them before I changed into this.

The Kymari respected nature, something the dragonets were glad about. They had many parks, and they made sure the water that came out of their gutters was always clean with the filter on the other side of it. It was some of the best water that I've ever drunk from.

It was also a good thing that the Kymari didn't like to live as packed in like the humans and white aliens did. They liked the earth too, never shoveling out what they wanted and only taking what they need.

The Kymari also take care of each other. I have yet to see a Kymari use violence against another Kymari, nor have I seen a homeless green-skinned alien.

They were protectors too. They would protect their children with their lives. Rarely do I see a lone Kymari child, and the only time I did was when a woman was walking and dropped something into a bush so she had to go to the other side to get it while her child was on the other side and out of sight. They took threats to their children very seriously too.

Once, a coyote decided to try and snack on a child. The mother had stabbed it with her knife and the Kymari guards had searched the park high and low for them. Since then, I have not seen one since.

This was the largest park in the city, flying over it could take two to three hours. Tasha said that the average is four hours, but I like to fly fast.

We also paired for life. Zack and his mate Kya, have been mates for three years now. They had a pair of eggs getting ready to be hatched, making them the third set to have chicks.

I hooked my front claws in the ground while I raised my hind legs up, raking my claws against the bark to sharpen them. It's harder to sharpen our hind claws, so we don't do it too often. I sighed in relief as I finally got that little piece of hangnail that had been bothering me off.

I shook myself hard, earning a tinkling noise. I wandered through the groves to the edge of the forest. This particular area had a bunch of trees, blocking me from view. You would have to be on the other side of the trees to see me properly.

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