7: A Second Sicora

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*Three Years Later*

I grabbed a yellow and green tipped fruit from the stash I had made a few days ago.

Currently, I was helping Tasha and Amanda feed Amanda's new chicks. They truly were bottomless pits as they created in hunger, even though they had eaten until they were stuffed about half an hour ago.

Amanda's mate was currently getting more fruit for the chicks with what I was sure to be black holes in their stomachs.

The sicora that we had killed less over a week ago had already been taken by the Kymari, but there was another scent that was the same. Tasha growled from beside me. I glanced at her, but said nothing. She was probably thinking about the guards letting down their patrols because they didn't know about the sicora.

We could tell what was on each other's minds. Not mind reading, but it was more like we could just tell what the other was thinking about because the other was thinking the same thing.

Cutting up the orange and the alien fruit, I began to help Amanda feed her chicks. The three of us were taking turns cutting up the fruit, and it was Tasha's turn now.

Soon, Amanda was cutting the fruits up while Tasha and I fed them. The chicks' cries finally came to a halt as they were stuffed and probably wouldn't eat for the next hour or so.

"What the?"

Looking over, I saw a Kymari child running around in the grass. With no mother. I haven't seen that since... since my mud accident. I hadn't even told Tasha about that.

And speaking of the mud accident, it was the exact same girl that had helped me get out. Aluah was her name, I think.

Tasha gave us a side glance. "If that child comes any closer, then we will grab the hatchlings and run. We can come back in an hour. The Kymari should be gone by then."

Amanda and I sent back a wordless agreement as I glanced at the child once more.

She was running in the grass between the forest and the Kymari city, and her mother was nowhere in sight. But if I remember correctly, she was great at getting away from her mother and it happened often, so the adult Kymari wouldn't be looking very hard.

Tasha suddenly stiffened, and looking back, I gave a hiss as I saw the sicora in the undergrowth, eyes locked on Aluah and in a stalking pose.

It ducked back and appeared around the other side of the brush. It was too close for the nest to be tolerated. The feel of wanting to kill it was there, like when Tasha and I had seen the first one, but the desire to protect the hatchlings was stronger with this threat, practically flipping the mental switch.

Amanda contacted the others as Tasha and I soared into the air with a battle cry. Tasha let lose her flame to burn the hide as I glanced back at the startled Kymari child.

Reinforcements were coming, but I wanted to protect her. She was only a child and she had helped me before. I wanted to repay her, and this was how I was going to do it.

Placing myself about ten feet away from her, I screeched at her to leave. She looked surprised as she looked at my face, taking a step back. She whispered, "It's you."

I was somewhat startled that she remembered me, but I didn't have time for that. I darted at her a few feet before falling back. She had stumbled back and fallen on the ground. Great.

Amanda and her mate, as well as three others had come to help flame this thing. Darting forward, it seemed like Tasha and I had the same idea as we both clawed it's back as we bit it from both sides.

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