A Permanent State of Confusion *

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My phone buzzing woke me up the next morning, in all its annoying glory. I rolled over and picked it up, answering without even looking at the caller ID.


"(Y/n)?" the cheerful voice on the other end made me jolt awake.


His breathy chuckle made my eyes pop open, "Good afternoon, sleepy head."

"Meh," I mumbled.

"Are you busy tonight?"

I flipped over onto my back, "Hm... it's the night before the party. I was thinking about practicing."

"Can I persuade you not to?"

I didn't try to fight the smile that came onto my face, "Depends. I really should be practicing."

"(Y/n), any dance company would be especially honored to have you as a dancer, and I know you've worked hard all week. All I want is dinner."

I froze and an almost chiding tone came into my voice, "Seokjin, are you asking me on a date?"

He laughed, and I had to hold the phone away from my ear until he calmed down.

"Yeah, I suppose you could call it that. Just a nice dinner with you is all I'm asking for."

My heart fluttered, "Sure, why not? Where are we going?"

He chuckled, "Just dress nice, and meet me at the cafe."

I nodded and then facepalmed because he obviously couldn't see me.

"What time?"

"Six. Don't be late darling."


"See you tonight then."

Our conversation ended, and I laid there for a good moment before snapping.

"Holy shit!"

I unlocked my phone and speed-dialed Irene, after a few rings she picked up, groggy.

"You better have a good reason for waking me up before two on one of our off days."

I glanced at the clock and saw the neon numbers flash '1:30 pm' at me.

"Jin asked me on a date."

It was quiet for a heartbeat, "WHAT?!"


"I'm coming over, give me like fifteen minutes."

The line went dead and I pulled myself out of bed and trudged to the kitchen. The tiles were cold but I ignored it and put a coffee pod in my machine, letting the smell of caffeine wake me up. It did its job and then reminded me of the tall, handsome man that brewed me a cup.

'Even I, have never had a cup brewed by him.'

Yoongi's words floated through my head, and it made me smile as I sip the fresh cup I had just brewed, and to my complete surprise, it was awful. I frowned considering I had just purchased this case of pods when the memory of Jin's coffee made me freeze. I scoffed jokingly,

"You have ruined me for all other coffee, Mr. Seokjin."

A loud knock interrupted my internal monologue and I dragged myself to the door and received an arm full of Irene.

"Spill it. What happened?" she shrugged out of her winter coat and boots and pulled me to the couch.

"A lot has happened actually. I'm in such a state of confusion right now, it's ridiculous."

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