Chapter Fifteen

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It was a lovely play.

The actors did well, the costumes were beautiful and the aura of it was grand. We both watched it to the end, solemnly. I think we got through three pots of tea.

"See," Huang Li Jun said, eyes glittering. "You never would have seen something like that in the Jade Pavillion."

"Mm," I nodded. "You are correct, Li Jun."

I could almost visibly see his ego inflate.

But he was right. The Jade Pavilion had plays that couldn't be considered plays at all. It was either about loving one's country or the story of a loyal, honest young man who got the obedient, beautiful young girl. Pah.

"Would you join me again next time, then?" Huang Li Jun raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly, looking so handsome in that moment I was almost blinded.

"Next time?"

"Yes, next time." His dark eyes regarded me carefully. "Well?"

"Depends," I huffed, crossing my arms.

Huang Li Jun nodded slowly, amused, and took a sip of his tea. "Depends on what?"

"Depends on my mood that day," I replied, looking away. "It takes a lot of effort to deal with you, you know."

Huang Li Jun laughed softly and looked up again. We briefly made eye contact and I glanced away quickly. He grinned to himself and drank from his teacup again.

"We should leave soon," I stood abruptly, almost knocking over my teacup. My cheeks burned.

"Oh?" Huang Li Jun smiled. "We could stay a little longer."

"Don't be ridiculous," I frowned at him. "The play's already finished."

He stood up lazily, unfurling his fan and flapping it gently against his chest.

"Then, as you say." His eyes glinted. "Let's go, Fei Hong."

At that moment, a young man rushed to our table.

He was characteristically handsome, with that long, river-like black hair and firm features. His expression painted him as an upright and honest young man, the kind of boy any mother would wish for their daughter to bring home.

My eyes narrowed distastefully.

"Master!" Bai Long exclaimed, bending over for a quick bow. His forehead was dotted with sweat, but he smiled widely at Huang Li Jun. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Right... these two were still close friends. How awkward. I had almost forgotten.

"I had to ask around so many people and even follow second prince Huang Chao to find you. Second brother Huang didn't seem to enjoy being disturbed, too..." Bai Long glanced around scornfully. "What are you doing in this low-class tea shop? Was the Jade Pavillion full? How ludicrous, if they only knew who you were -"

"No, I came here of my own accord." Huang Li Jun said cooly, eyes now fixed onto the stage. I sat back lazily in my chair, sipping my cold tea.

"Why would you come here?" Bai Long asked incredulously.

Then. Finally. He glanced over at me.

I met his gaze firmly, eyes not holding a trace of acknowledgement for him. Bai Long's eyes widened, and he stepped back.

"Miss... Fei Hong?" He blinked before staring at me again. His eyes first flashed over with surprise, then contempt, then awe.

A frown curled across my lips. I should be the one holding contempt for him, not the other way around.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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