Chapter Eleven

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"Now," the Emperor announced, standing up once more. "The winner of the competition will be declared."

Empress Dowager stands proudly. She is an old tiger, but still fierce, a force to be reckoned with.

Her eyes meet mine as she opens her mouth.

"The winner of the talent competition is Fei Hong."

No... no no no no no no!!!

The audience bursts in surprised applause, and Hua Li grips onto my arm, shocked. She then begins shaking me excitedly, which does not help my headache.

"Miss!" Hua Li exclaims. "Miss, congratulations!"

"Haah?" I rub my temples. I feel light headed, and black spots dance before my eyes. I went through all the trouble of playing a game of Go with that old tiger, and this is how she repays me??

I stand up shakily, and Hua Li helps me up to my feet. She glances at me with worried eyes, as I struggle to walk to the stage.

"For her splendid talent, Fei Hong shall first off be awarded a royal green jade dragon emblem!" The Emperor announces. The audience gasps. Who hadn't heard of the royal green jade dragon emblem?! It was an intricate and rare item that allowed free access into the palace and allowed visits to the royal family. The emblem was a powerful, influential sign and with it hanging on your waist, nobody would dare cross you. In fact, it was just a step below the gold emblems of the royal family! Only a few of the Emperor's most trusted advisees held the green jade emblem, and even they kept it tucked deep away into their robes for safety.

I wanted to throw up. Ahh, really? Why couldn't they just gift me a ridiculously expensive tea set and get it over with?

"Fei Hong accepts the gift graciously," I said, bowing low. I walk up the steps to stand right in front of Empress Dowager and bowed lower.

"Rise," Empress Dowager commanded, her voice full of authority. I stood, keeping my eyes trained down. She carefully picked up the jade emblem and lifted it to me. "Congratulations, Fei Hong." Empress Dowager said. "I expect you to come to the palace and play Go with me occasionally. It's so difficult to find good players these days."

I kept my head bowed as I accepted the emblem. So that's why she let me win the competition. She just wanted someone to play Go with, the old fox. I glanced up briefly at the Empress.

She smirked at me.

"The next gift, is three li of Ling Province light blue silk..." the Emperor continued to rattle off countless material gifts. I met the gaze of the Empress Dowager, unwilling to back down. She relaxed in her throne, seemingly extremely pleased with herself. I looked to the right, to be met with three pairs of eyes staring at me.

Huang Ying Yue with her eyes full of malice, Bai Long with his expression full of astonishment, and lastly, Huang Li Jun, observing me carefully. His expression was blank other than for a trace of curiosity and acknowledgement. I turned back to the Empress Dowager.

"... lastly, Thousand-Year Peach Wine." The Emperor finished.

"Fei Hong thanks Emperor and Empress Dowager for their gifts and generosity. Fei Hong gladly accepts," I went on to my knees to kowtow, black spots flashing before my eyes as I did so. I still managed to bow to them three times before standing graciously and returning to my table. My head pounded loudly, but I kept my steps straight.

"Miss is so cool!" Hua Yi squealed. I stumbled and almost fell onto her as I reached the table. "Miss?" Hua Yi's forehead creased with worry. "Miss, are you alright?"

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