Chapter Five

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The young masters of the palace first entered - a handsome, playful youth laughing with his hair pulled into a ruggedly handsome ponytail, whom must be the second prince. There was a certain amount of bright wildness to his eyes, just the right amount. A bright red robe with golden hems suited him brilliantly, accentuating just how much energy his personality had. After him was a meek but pleasant prince dressed in a scholarly shade of pale blue, embroidered with white clouds. He was handsome as a soothing river, his eyes deep and meaningful. The third prince. Behind him was a young, sickly looking young girl thin and pale. She seemed timid, almost wanting to hide behind her thick black hair. Her bangs were long, making her appear unruly and shielding her eyes away. Her robes were pale pink, rather contrasting to her personality. The second princess, the blood daughter of Emperor Huang. Then, an older, sharper girl entered, talking in short bursts over her shoulder. She seemed aloof and less youthful, but it only added to her aura of a cold, untouchable goddess. Somebody from behind her said something, and she laughed brilliantly, her entire face lighting up as she revealed two rows of pearl-white teeth. The first princess. Her hanfu was a soft royal purple layered with white, embroidered with flawless white gardenias.

Then, entered two youths, talking to one another animatedly. The first was energetic, intelligent, and charismatic. He wore robes of dark blue with mountains stitched into to hems, making him seem chivalrous and clear-minded. Behind him was a strikingly handsome youth, standing tall and proud with a long stroke of dark black hair, eyes impossibly deep, and answered back in calm, quiet, one-worded answers. His hanfu was white, embroidered with dragons, which complimented his godly aura. His hair was fixed with the most brilliant hair tuinga out of all of them - a gold dragon, so well crafted it almost seemed to roar fiercely.

I recognized these last two. Bai Long and the first prince.

"Wahh, they're all so beautiful," Hua Li gasped. "Not as beautiful as my miss, of course."

I smiled softly at her. Fei Hong's looks, surprisingly, were on par, maybe even better than that of the royal family's. It was surprising how she hadn't been married off yet.

"Tell me their names, Hua Li?" I asked her. She turned to me, eyes bright, and nodded. I sighed, this girl really likes gossiping, ah?!

"The second prince, Huang Chao, the third son, Huang Lu Qin, the second princess, Huang Mu Dong, the first princess, Huang Ying Yue -"

My eyebrow twitched. Why did her name sound so similar to Yu Yuan? Now, this Ying Yue would forever piss me off.

"Bai Long," Hua Li giggled, "you know, and then the first prince." She sighed dreamily. "Huang Li Jun. He is well known for being talented, and perfect in every shape, way or form. However, he is like you miss - rarely appears in public. His reputation however, is much better than yours."

"I'm working on it," I grumbled. Hua Li laughed. I stared at her for a moment, then joined in as well.

So is this what it's like to have friends?

"Ah, now even the Emperor, Empress, and Empress Dowager are entering!"

Emperor Huang was an imposing man - calculative, sharp witted and emitting a heavy aura as he entered. He was dressed in rich golden robes, and looked upon the banquet hall with insightful eyes. Empress Xu Li was beautiful and gentle, and she smiled tiredly upon the crowd. Everybody relaxed under her gaze, and tensed under Emperor Huang's. She was dressed in gorgeous golden robes as well, her head adorned with many glorious accessories. Then entered Imperial Concubine Lei Hua, confident and sharp-witted as her husband. She wore even grander robes, and Empress Xu Li wilted as Lei Hua took a step closer to the Emperor. It was obviously seen who was favored.

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