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Tuesday afternoon

"How's Blythe?" Jackie asked hanging out by the front desk. "She's good! I'm trying to put her back together." I grinned filling out some forms. "There's a pharmacy up the street and they're hiring," Jackie mentioned fiddling with her pen.

"My cousin works there, I could put in a good word for Blythe if you'd like."

"You're such a gem." I smiled kissing her cheek. "I'd like that very much." I sneered coming from behind the front desk. "Since you're so nice to me." Jackie hugged me wrapping her arms around my neck. Ever since I started working here Jackie has been right by my side.

"Let's get lunch, my treat."

Aren't we grateful for people like Jackie? "I'll see you in a few," I said getting on the elevator, I can't wait to go home and see my baby but until then I gotta do my job.

Not seeing Blythe at work is weird because I'm so used to it, but now I get to see her every morning and every night. Last night when Blythe and I slept together I got a feeling... in my you know... area. That's never happened to me before but I guess that's a sign.

As much as I want to put it down on Blythe I can't because she doesn't seem interested. I'm not sexually frustrated more curious than frustrated. If Blythe makes the first move I will gladly sit on her face but she has to make a move.

This morning when she decided to be bold and kiss me I was in shock because we usually kiss on the cheek. I would consider that as the first move but I'm just scared to touch her in certain places, what if she's a 'touch me not' or doesn't like being dominated? Then what do I do?

Maybe I'm scared of what her reaction will be. You only live once so do what scares you the most.

"Good afternoon." I smiled sitting down with my second favorite patient, my first one got released last month. "Afternoon." He grinned sitting up in his chair.

"Whatcha got for me?" I asked putting my notebook to the side. "Nothing, I woke up, had breakfast, watched tv and now I'm with my favorite nurse."

Austin has a personality you can't forget, he really has his own way of sticking out. "Here I am with my favorite patient." I chuckled.

I looked at the clock feeling my soul die, could time move any slower? "Got a date or something?" Austin leaned in, examining my face. "Nope, not yet." "Haven't made a move," I added in looking away from the clock.

"What are you waiting for Christmas? It's simple dinner, movie, sex that's all it is." Austin explained. "It's a lot harder than you think, I'm scared if I make a move and she turns me down." I try to keep Blythe interested but I'm running out of ideas.

"Fine, have dinner, flirt for a few minutes, watch a movie and flirt for a few more, and if you got her where you want her the rest is history."

"If you're wrong about this I get one free punch," I said squinting my eyes, maybe Austin is right and I'm just scared.

"And if I'm right, you owe me a cookie. That's it just a cookie." Austin smiled as I got up. "Deal." I grinned shaking his hand.

I'll put this pussy on Blythe and hopefully, she doesn't make it awkward. It's bad that both of us are awkward so one of us is gonna put their big girl boxers on and make a move.

"Good luck." Austin waved goodbye as I closed the door behind me. Ladies and gentlemen, I will be making a move this week.

Tuesday night

"I missed you, beautiful." I cheesed before kissing Amora, I smiled in between pushing her hair out her face." "I missed you more." Amora pulled away showing off her smile.

"I have good news for you." She pinched my cheeks and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm all ears."

"Jackie agreed to get you a job at the pharmacy across the street." Amora smiled touching my stomach. "Oh, wow... thanks," I said plainly as she looked at me raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"I walk around here naked and the first thing you tell me is Jackie got me a job, am I supposed to show up to that naked as well?" I appreciate what she's doing for me but my stay isn't exactly ideal.

"I understand that but you can at least say thank you. I'm doing all that I can for you so I apologize if things are going how you thought it would be."

"Thank you." I sighed before going upstairs into her room. Her house is better than where I was before but I'm still getting treated the same way.

I sit in a room by myself until Amora comes home, then we talk for a good five minutes before she goes to bed. "Goodnight." Amora pecked my lips before getting into bed.

"I'd like to work at the pharmacy," I whispered wrapping my arms around her. "I'm very grateful for what you're doing." I don't want Amora to be upset or anything just because I don't know how to be grateful.

"Goodnight to you as well." I kissed her forehead holding her tightly.

Monday morning

"You're not going to work?" I yawned seeing Amora still in bed. "I'm spending the day with you." She grinned getting up from the bed.

"How... nice?" I don't know what's going on here. "We have a lot to do today so get up." She grabbed both my hands pulling me out of bed, I groaned standing on my feet.

"Try this one." She ordered before tossing me a shirt. "Amora, you don't have to do this," I said sitting back down. "I want to help you so sit back and relax." She grinned turning to her closet.

When I'm on my feet I'll return the favor in every way possible. It's what Amora deserves, I know I shouldn't have been complaining yesterday win sorry. She's doing her best for me and that's all that matters.


-Blythe outchea being bold
-Jackie tryna help a young bull out
-Is Austin right about making a move?
-For people to be in a relationship they don't really act like it 🤔

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