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Monday night

The big day is here! Blythe is coming home with me after years in the asylum, I got her a robe as a house warming gift so she's not naked all the time or just doesn't feel like getting dressed. I'm really excited about this.

I wasn't dressed in my scrubs this time, I had on a white shirt and Nike shorts. Wearing scrubs all day every day gets annoying! Especially when you have to go out and buy them because who the fuck wakes up and says 'let me go buy some scrubs.' It's so hard to find them.

It's around 6 o'clock, I wanted to enjoy my day off before coming to get Blythe. I pushed the double doors smiling at Jackie, "How nice to see you." Jackie said pulling me into a hug. A lot of the nurses think I'm nuts for volunteering to take Blythe, I'm too deep in baby ain't no going back.

"Hello, handsome." I cheesed as Blythe came over to me, I kissed her on the cheek like it was any normal day at work. "First thing you say to me? Pretty gay if you ask me." Blythe hugged me.

"God bless you," Marie whispered in my ear. "Before I go, I want to say I'm sorry for whatever pain I've caused to you all. I'm better now and I wish you all the best, thank you for all you've done for me."  Blythe held my hand while facing the staff members and some patients.

"See you guys tomorrow," I said waving goodbye. "God bless." Everyone shouted as we walked out, I don't know why these people can't believe that Blythe has changed! She hasn't done anything wrong in the last month so what's so hard about accepting her.

"How does it feel to be a free woman?" I asked opening the passenger door for her. "Feels weird."

I chuckled getting in the car and put my seatbelt on. "Well get used to it." I'm already enjoying her company. "First things first, what would you like to eat?" I backed out the parking lot and moved onto the road. "Whatever you have in mind."

I live a good 10 minutes away from work and everything else. "Whatever you think of, I'll get it for you." I'm not always this nice but it's Blythe we're talking about, and y'all know that's my baby:)

"My apartment isn't all that so don't be expecting some big ass place," I mentioned unbuckling my seatbelt. "Now I'm gonna set some house rules and they're really simple."

"I'm all ears," Blythe said shifting in my direction. "Don't come up in this bitch getting disrespectful cause we don't do that here. Clean up after yourself cause I don't got time to be a damn cleaning lady, other than that enjoy your stay." I kissed her cheek then got out the car, living with me is really simple.

I opened the passenger door for her as she got out. She has a little box with her to hold her stuff I'm guessing. "I don't have a guest room but you can have my bed and I take the couch." I offered walking up the stairs to my apartment door. "Or we can sleep together," Blythe suggested, I smiled looking down at the floor.

"Number 11, remember it," I added in while unlocking the front door. "My apartment isn't all that." Blythe mimicked me, coming inside looking around. "Shoes off."

I took the box out her hands sitting in down on the counter. "Nice place, n!gga." Blythe commented still looking around, I quietly shuffled through the box. It was a letter, a bracelet, a picture of Blythe and her mom I'm guessing. "Can you not?" Blythe snatched the box away putting the cover back on it, for once in her life she looked scared.

"I'm sorry I was just looking." I'm all of a sudden shy and can't speak up. "Yeah, well don't," Blythe mumbled taking the box with her.

I didn't get to finish my search, there must be something she didn't want me to see. I'm not going to invade her privacy just because she's living with me and if there's something she doesn't want me to see then so be it.

"The bathrooms upstairs if you need to use it or something."

Blythe nodded before going upstairs with her box, I followed behind her but went to my room instead. "I don't have any clothes." Blythe stopped at the bathroom door, she's acting shy but we all know that's not the deal. "We don't wear clothes here." Half the time I'm naked and do everything like a normal person would do if they had clothes on.

"Alrighty then."

If I knew looking in that damn box would make Blythe act like this I wouldn't have done it, to begin with!


I laid next to Amora looking around her room. "I'm sorry for talking to you like that." I didn't mean to snap on her like that but she opened something that's none of her business. "It's okay, I shouldn't have been nosy." Amora apologized.

We haven't really said anything to each other ever since I got here. We ate and went to her room to lay down, so far I like being here but Amora is being awkward and shy for no reason. "When's your birthday?" I asked still laying on my back.

"December 12th," Amora mumbled wrapping her arms around me. "Can we talk tomorrow, I'm tired."

It's been a while since I've been held like this, I kissed her forehead holding her. I'm not gonna lie to you and say I'm not in love with Amora but until she says something my lips are sealed.

Tuesday morning

"What should I do when you're gone?" I laid in bed while Amora got dressed for work, I didn't really think about this part.

"I won't be gone long but until I come back just relax, enjoy your stay." "I made you something so you're not always bored." Amora opened her closet coming out with this big ass board. "It'll get you back on track, help find a job, get a car, things like that."

"Why thank you." I appreciate all this but I'm still naked in bed with nothing to do. "I'll see you later, honey." Amora kissed my cheek leaving but I grabbed her arm.

"Honey, I have to go." I smiled grabbing her face bringing it towards mine. Up close she looks so innocent but we all know she's not. I moved my lips on top of hers, I felt her smile inside my mouth before kissing me back. I honestly was getting tired of kissing on the cheek.

"Bye, beautiful." I smiled letting go of her. "Bye." Amora blushed.

I got butterflies in my stomach and all we did was kiss! What kind of shit is that? We slept together last night and it was really the best thing ever, I don't know if I was the only one feeling like that but it was the best


-Blythe has been released!
-Why is the box so important?
-Why is nurse Marie so scared?

Until next time 💋

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