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Tuesday morning

I slept alone, still remaining on Blythes side of the bed. It smells like her and I love how Blythe smells. I sat up taking my phone off the nightstand, I cleared my throat before dialing Blythes' number. "Hello?" I said hearing movements on the other line. "Good morning, beautiful." Blythe sung.

I smiled letting out a sigh of relief, she sounds happy. "You didn't come home last night, I was worried." I got up and began to fix the bed. "I know, I was working late so I just crashed at the pharmacy."

"Well are you coming home tonight?" I asked before grabbing my towel and the scrubs I planned on wearing today. "Yeah! I'm gonna come in for that check up."

I couldn't help but smile, I know how hard Blythe has been trying to avoid this check up. "Thank you." I cheesed after blowing kisses into the phone. "I'll see you tonight, okay?" Blythe said as I agreed. "I love you."

"I love you too, beautiful." Blythe hung up the phone and I grinned looking into the mirror. Thank god she's okay, all night she was on my mind. I was thinking about any trouble that she could've been in. Maybe yesterday she was just busy since she couldn't spare me a couple minutes.

Blythe finally agreed to the check up but didn't tell me what time she plans on coming. All that matters is that everyone will leave me alone about it, I'm still thinking about quitting at the asylum because I'm not that into it anymore. If I do quit I need another job to fall back on and I have been looking but people aren't hiring as of right now.

"My sweetheart is coming home tonight." I cheered while brushing my hair into a low ponytail. I'm gonna make a special dinner just for her and put on something cute for her.

I looked at my watch and decided to get a move on. I don't have time for breakfast so I'll  just eat out or something. The check up with Blythe should go perfect since it's been awhile since she's spiraled out or anything like that, the last altercation Blythe had was when Blair told her she was adopted. After that she's been pretty sane, speaking of the whole adopted situation Blythe hasn't said anything about it or looked into it.

"And the day begins." I said before clocking into work. "Good morning, I know I've been hounding you about that check in but I really need that." My boss stopped me at the door giving me a bright smile.

"Of course! I should have that ready by this afternoon." I responded but deep down I'm annoyed. I just walked in here and I'm already getting harassed. "Okay, I'll see you later."

I sighed as she left the room. I hope the day gets better.

I yawned spinning around in my chair at the front desk. It's 3 in the afternoon and my shift is almost over, Blythe isn't here yet which is making me look bad because I told my boss I would have the check in by the afternoon. I tried calling her but of course she didn't answer, she's driving me nuts.

"Gosh, I'm tired." I mumbled facing the wall. "Yeah, some sleep would do you good." I heard from behind me then quickly spun around. "Look who it is." I chuckled placing my hands on Blythes face then softly kissing her.

"I come bearing gifts." Blythe pulled her hands from behind her back, holding a bouquet of flowers. "Just to make up for my disappearance." She said as I smiled taking them from her. "Thank you, beautiful." I kissed her once more before coming out from the front desk.

"Please be on your best behavior." I looked at her and she nodded her head. The check in is a recorded conversation we're we ask questions about your mental health, emotional health, etc.

We all know Blythe doesn't tell me everything so maybe I can find something out I'm all this. We do it in the padded room since that's the most private room we have, three nurses are present in the room during the time of the check in. I'll be in the room along with my boss and nurse Marie.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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