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"Why are you here?"

I sat at the confession table baking under the room lights placed right over me. I screamed loudly struggling to get out my straitjacket.

"Patient is showing signs of rapid behavior." I watched as one of the nurses spoke into the tape recorder. "You look familiar," I mumbled finally calming down.

"Did you recently lose your parents?" I asked smiling at her. I read her name tag which made me smile even more "Laura, how do you think mommy and daddy went missing?"

She looked at me before swallowing, hard. "My parents died in a car accident." Laura looked away as I laughed loudly yet again. "Wrong answer." I leaned back in my chair letting the wall hold me up.

"Yes, my parents were coming back from the cabin and their car lost control on the road." Laura looked at me then back at the wall. "No! Mommy and daddy were murdered! Do you know who did it?!" I asked letting the chains on my jacket rattle.

I looked as nurse Jackie wrote everything in her little notebook. "They weren't murdered! Shut up or else!"

"Or else what!?" I yelled kicking the table over. "Patient has kicked over a table, no sign of change in behavior." Nurse Jackie said trembling in her chair.

"I killed mommy and daddy Laura, and I liked it. Your mothers face after seeing what I did to your father. It was the perfect horror movie." I smiled sinisterly as Laura cried.

"Stop recording," Laura said to Jackie before getting up. She did as told and walked over to me. "Ugh, Laura I thought you were better than this." I groaned as she unbuckled my straitjacket then backed up.

"Jackie sweetheart, record, please," I huffed looking at the both of them. "This is my confession tape." I stretched my arms out after months in that jacket.

"Hello, I'm Blythe Fayre, 19 years old and this is my confession tape. My first murder was when I was 15, I killed my best friend because I thought she would kill me first. I hid her body in the backyard of a house in my old neighborhood. The second murder I was 17, I killed my girlfriends, entire family, cause I thought they were trying to break us up. Third murder, nurse Laura's parents. It was a strange murder mostly out of boredom. Fourth murder... Well, you'll find out in a minute."

I ripped off the belts from my straitjacket wrapping a small amount around my hand. "Help! Help Us! Someone help!" Nurse Jackie banged on the door while I strangled Laura with the belt.

She scratched at my hands drawing blood but that didn't stop me. She slowed down with scratching and slowly slipped onto the floor. I dropped the belt making my way over to Jackie, I cornered her seeing her tears up close.

"Please don't hurt me." She sobbed looking away from me. "Fine." I backed away sitting back into my seat. I picked up the recorded holding it close to my mouth.

"My fourth murder was nurse Laura, she put up a fight but I killed her." I ended the recording shoving the recorder in my boxers.

"Jackie, Come sit," I instructed patting my lap. She was shaking uncontrollably while sitting in my lap, I sighed resting my head on her back. "Don't tell no one what happened, if anyone asks she took me out my jacket and attacked me. I pushed her and she hit her head. Understood?"

She calmed down noticing she was still alive. I sighed groping her breast, it's been a while since I've touched a woman like this. "Jackie," I said faintly. "Strip for me," I smirked letting go of her.

I smiled but it faded away after seeing what I've done. I looked at nurse Laura dead in the corner of the room while nurse Jackie slipped off her pants. I cried grabbing my hair looking down at the ground. "Put your clothes back on! Tell on me! Report me to the staff so they can send me away!" I cried grabbing at her.

"Ma! Ma! Where are you?!" I yelled tightening my grip on my hair, collapsing on my knees

Flash Back starts

"Ma! Ma! Where are you?!" I cried throughout the house looking everywhere for her. "Blythe! I'm here sweetheart." She grabbed me wrapping her arms around me as tight as possible.

"You sit right here okay." She kissed my cheek before placing me in the kitchen chairs. I did as told while she went to her room.

"Daddy!" I screamed smiling at him but quickly stopped. "Daddy, what's that?" I asked as he moved the knife behind his back.

It was sharp enough to make me bleed with just one poke.

"Just sit right there honey." He said and I did as told. I zoned in on the yelling coming from my parents room as they quickly turned to screams of terror from my mom.

I got up running opening my parent's door. My mom was on the floor covered in blood while my dad hovered over her. "Mommy! What did you do to Mommy!" I yelled hitting my Dad over and over

He picked me up quickly and ran out the front door. We were on the highway when I decided to say something. "Why did you hurt mommy?" I asked, no answer.

I pushed the steering wheel in the opposite direction as the car spun out of control. My father hit his head on the dashboard and I got out of the car.

"He hurt my mommy!" I yelled while more and more people surrounded me.

"Little girl come with me." a woman said reaching her hand out. "No! My mommy told me to wait here!"

Flashback over

Hello, I am Blythe Farye and half my life I've spent in a mental asylum.

Not to bad for a first chapter?
-Blythe committed her fourth murder
-why didn't she kill nurse Jackie?
-Will nurse Jackie report her?
-What do you think will happen next?

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