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Thursday night

"Why wouldn't you tell me Jackie's going around telling people y'all are married?!" Amora asked changing out of her scrubs.

"I thought I could take care of it without you finding out." I yawned scratching my head. "Oh yeah? How's that going for you? Did you take care of it, because it seems to me you're still fu—"

"Oh my god shut the fuck up! Jackie this, Jackie that! If I hear one more thing about Jackie I'm gonna lose my damn mind! What exactly do you want me to do about Jackie? You work with her so say something about it. You're so fucking fast to come home and suck my dick instead of putting Jackie in her place."

I shot up from the bed shoving her into a corner. "I'm sorry," Amora said lowly looking down at the floor. "Yeah, now you fucking sorry."

"Can you stop talking to me like that?" She mumbled wiping her hands on her shorts. "Can you stop being a dumb bitch and act like you got some sense?"

"Look... you need to stop worrying about Jackie. I don't want Jackie, not even in a million years would I want her." "I know how I talk to you is wrong but that's the only way to get my point across," I said pulling her out the corner. "I don't like talking to you like that but sometimes I need to put you in your place." I sat her in my lap hugging her waist.

"It's okay." Amora said softly placing her hands on mine. "Blythe?"

"Shh." Whatever she has to say it can wait. I don't know why Amora is so convinced that I want Jackie, believe it or not, I'm in love with Amora. I know I'm not the one for her but I can't stand being away from her.

"I'm just gonna go to bed," Amora said getting up from my lap. "Come on, you know I don't mean any harm." I smiled grabbing at her shirt. "Yeah... I'm tired, that's all."

"Whatever you say." I don't know about this relationship anymore, one minute we're happy the next minute we're going back and forth about Jackie.

It bothers me to know that she's going to bed upset. I know what I want out of the relationship but opening up is the last thing I want to do.

"Goodnight." Amora kissed my cheek before turning her back towards me. "Goodnight."

Friday morning

"Blythe, I have to go to work." Amora chuckled trying to pry my hands off her. "No, not yet." I yawned adjusting my head on her chest. "You got 5 minutes." She said laughing.

"Stay with me today, call in sick or something." I'm trying to be nice after disrespecting the life out of her yesterday.

"I don't know, I already took the day off."

"How could you be so in love with her!?"

"There she was laughing it up with Blair right in front of you!"

"She knows what she's doing, she's using you to get to Blair!"

"That's what this has been all along!"

"She's just using you! Can't you see that?! How blind can you be?"

What? That's impossible, I smiled looking at Amora while the voice in my head went back and forth. "I'll call out tomorrow, not today," Amora said getting up.

"But I do know who would be more than happy to visit you."

I swear to God if she says it I'm gonna scream.

"You can always have Blair come over, now that you guys are reunited."  "I don't know why you're so awkward around her, she's a nice girl and she's always happy to see you."

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