Chapter 15: Kiss, Kiss, Fall In Love

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Tonight, Jungkook and Taehyung have planned a sleepover at Jungkook's house, his parents are visiting his mum's side of the family so they're going to be home...alone.

Taehyung already started packing, making sure to keep an eye on Eunji, he threw in clothes, too lazy to organise them, he tosses a toothbrush, not bothering to put it in a plastic bag, he put in extra clothes, smiling to himself when he sees the mess he calls his Sleepy Bag.

The proud boy walked downstairs after changing, putting his bag near the door. Eunji ran downstairs after him, sitting on the couch near him and trying to pressure Taehyung in a choices game called...'Episode.'

Taehyung excitedly jumped when he heard a knock, opening it to see his mother, "Eomma!!! Hello! Good uh, what time is it? ACtuallY, that's not important, I'm going to Jungkook's house now, byE, loVe you!" 

He grabbed Sleepy Bag, leaving the startled woman with Eunji as he ran down the street.


Taehyung knocked on Jungkooks door like a puppy, they hadn't seen each other in a bit, being the summer holidays, they couldn't see each other daily like usual.

Jungkook opened the door, jumping onto Taehyung and giving him a huge hug, "Taehyung!!!" Taehyung hugged back, smiling, "Jungkook!!!" 

Taehyung ran upstairs as Jungkook closed the door, looking at the running figure with fond eyes, when Taehyung literally threw his bag, he walked back downstairs, asking, "What do you wanna do?"

Jungkook smiled fondly once again, taking out baking ingredients, "Let's make cookies!" Taehyung nodded, sliding towards Jungkook in a sexy joking manner, slipping and holding onto Jungkook, Jungkook letting out a snort and holding Taehyung up, "C'mon you start the batter and I'll do nothing because yes." Taehyung rolls his eyes, preparing the batter.

While the cookies are baking, Jungkook calls a take out service, he almost had a mental breakdown but he managed eventually. 


They took the food from the worker, paid him, placed it on the coffee table, and waited for the cookies to finish. 

They ate the food and the cookies soon finished, they're both staring at them hungrily, seemingly having enough space for a sweet treat, waiting for them to cool down. Jungkook sighs, slowly putting the plate to the side, "Let's do something else for now, yeah?" Taehyung nods, "How about...we watch a movie?" Jungkook nods enthusiastically, hopping onto the sofa and turning on the TV, "Let's watch..uh..what's here..'Save The Last Dance?'" Taehyung walked towards the couch, sitting and nodding.

They cuddled up, watching the movie as they cooed, slowly falling into the romantic mood the movie had set, Taehuyng laid his head on Jungkooks chest, sighing happily at the soft thump of his hyung's heartbeat. Jungkook blushed lightly, playing with Taehyungs hair. 

The 2 boys stared at the romantic scene, unknowingly intertwining their soft hands, they got closer, Taehyung cuddled right upto Jungkook, his hair was tickling Jungkooks skin as the moons light hit the younger boy's tan skin, making it shine while Jungkook stared in awe. Taehyung had his lips slightly parted, he could feel the others hesitant breath hit his head, it was pure bliss, near each other, cuddled up, watching a romantic movie, in peace. Taehyung smiled to himself, loving the moment he was in, loving the atmosphere, it was...perfect. Couldn't they stay like this? Couldn't they avoid the drama? Taehyung thought of something, moving slightly and facing Jungkooks cheek, he placed his hand on Jungkook's cheek, making the aforementioned look towards him, their cheeks turned crimson, shining in the moonlight, they both looked ethereal to each other, the luminous blue made the setting even better. Their hearts were telling them to just lean in, the exquisite and ineffable feeling made them do exactly that. They edged closer, their eyes fluttering shut as Jungkook placed his hand on Taehyungs waist and the other on his cheek, Taehyung settling his hand in Jungkook's hair, the other falling loosely to his side as he took in the prodigious experience. Their lips touched sending fireworks throughout their body, nothing could replace the giddy feeling in their chests, nothing could replace the happiness and fondness in that moment.

Nothing could replace their first kiss.


Hey, thank you for all the amazing support! I'm honestly amazed.


Also, check out @MoonIsComing because she has amazing books. (Love you ugly 💜)

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