Chapter 12: Squiggly Line

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From staring at cute boys in his school, to getting shy in the boys' locker room. Slowly, he's been realising. 

He ain't a straight line at all.

Taehyung walked up to a certain boy, hesitantly sitting down. "Hey, hyung.." Jungkook looked up, sensing something is wrong by the shaky feel in Tae's voice. "Hey, what's wrong?" Taehyung frowned.

Jungkook closed the book in worry, furrowing his brows and turning to Taehyung. "Tae...spill.." He took Taehyung's hands in his, tracing invisible circles and tilting his head to the side. "Will you still accept me, hyung?"Jungkook nodded quickly, "No matter what." Taehyung reassuringly smiled to himself, squeezing Jungkooks hands tighter, "I'm uh a squiggly line." Jungkooks eyes widened, "What?" Taehyung held back his smile, "I'm not straight." Jungkook pursed his lips, "I don't get it." The brunet facepalmed with his vacant hand, "I'm gay you egit." The ravenette stared for a second before he suddenly experienced an epiphany. (go love Epiphany cowards) "Oh. OH. I had a feeling you were a bendy one." Taehyung giggled loudly, "I'm...bendy?" 

Taehyung grinned widely, showing off his box smile. 

Jungkook hugged him, laughing loudly with him, "Congrats." 

"Thanks, hyung. Thank you for accepting me." 

"No problem, your preference of sexuality won't change our years of friendship."

" tell Jimin."

They both got up, waiting for Jimin, the bubbly boy soon running in and giving a hug to Taehyung and smiling at Jungkook.

"Jiminie hyung, can I tell you something?" Jimin worriedly nodded. Taehyung decided he'd get straight to the point this time. "Okay, I'm not straight." 

Jimin's jaw dropped, "You like boys? You're too young to know, idiot. Don't assume when we're only 12."

The blonde boy shook his head in disapproval, "I don't accept this. When you finally grow out of this stage, talk to me again." 

Taehyung cried silently as Jungkook comforted him and hugged him, glaring daggers at Jimin who ran to the bathroom for some reason.

"Not everyone will accept you, not everyone will say it's all okay but you have to ignore those people. After all...why feed people that just take a plate to go? These people will only stay with you if you fit their tastes and look cool to others around you. Forget him."

"B-but why w-would Jiminie d-do th-at?"

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