Chapter 30: An Eensy-Weensy Crisis And Consideration

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"Jungkook, why do you keep coming home so late?" The latter put down his bag, "There's a lot of work to do at the office, I'm sorry but I have to do it. There's a new worker and she still hasn't settled so I've been doing most of the work she's missing out." Taehyung whined, "I never see you...I know you're working but it's so lonely...Gosh...I'm just being selfish."

Jungkook frowned, putting his tie aside, "It must really be lonely..." Taehyung nodded sadly, pouting and fidgeting as he scooted further away from Jungkook and climbed onto the kitchen cabinet, pouting.

"Baby..." Jungkook murmured the word out, as if his voice could hurt Taehyung. The dejected boy traced his finger across the countertops forming unreadable shapes, his talking minimized to harsh whispers that hurt Jungkook's heart, each one like a little offence to his pride and thought process, "I'm not a baby." 

Jungkook tried wrapping his tired arms around his love, but the other hid away further, as if building big, strong walls to protect him from the warm embrace that would melt him and his anger away. Taehyung couldn't give in this time, maybe he was being selfish, maybe he was just being dumb. But he wanted his attention so badly, and a hug wouldn't fix the aching hole in his heart that's been longing for some type of affection for the past month. This reminded him of their proposal. Only this time, there was no big surprise.

The loneliness lingered around him, crushing his want to forgive the man in front of him. At least he couldn't for now.

"Tae..sweetheart, come on...don't be selfish." Taehyung felt a sting in his heart. So he was being selfish after all. "So I'm actually being selfish? Thanks for confirming my statement." Jungkook swore under his breath, he'd just fucked that up.

"Love, please come on." Taehyung got off the counter, dismissively shaking his head, "Don't call me love." Jungkook stood dumbfounded, had loneliness hit him that hard? Was it that difficult for him to bear? Jungkook wouldn't know. Tae never left him alone. Even when they broke up. Tae was always a shoulder Jungkook would turn to for comfort. 

"Taehyung, stop being so stubborn." The brunet sniffled, "S-sorry." Jungkook groaned angrily, "Stop it, Tae!" Taehyung crossed his arms, "Stop WHAT?" Jungkook was starting to shout at him, crumbing Taehyung's whole idea that he'd never shout at him, and only care and show the beautiful walls of affection rather than the crumbling bitterness being spilled as if tears on a day that only throws the harshness of reality at your fragile, pathetic self.

"Stop being a fucking baby! If you don't want me to call you baby, stop acting like one!" Taehyung backed away, feeling scared of the angry figure in front of him, his loving husband had just shattered his heart. Why was he so sensitive and so susceptible to every little murmur and mutter that came out of the others regretful mouth? Why did the words feel as if a professional archer was aiming for and successfully piercing each vital organ, this was something he couldn't comprehend. Not at that moment at least.

So, without other argument, he shot a hateful glare at Jungkook before storming off to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. 

Jungkook's pissed off expression morphed into one of regret as dispiriting sobs emitted from the bathroom and rang in his ears.


Jungkook ran to the bathroom, but the door was locked. He knocked, "I'm sorry!" 

No reply was heard and Jungkook started crying quietly, "I'm so fucking sorry, I didn't mean it. I know you're sensitive, I'm such a horrible person..." 

When no replies and just sobs were heard, Jungkook got up, wiping his tear filled eyes and sniffling uncontrollably. 

The ravenette grabbed his keys, opening the door and shutting it softly, breathing in the not-so-fresh air. "I'm an egit if I've e..ever seen one."

{COMPLETED} Taekook: You Never Left, Did You?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora