Preference #1

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So, I wanna try doing preferences for the different sides! I'm not sure if I'm going to include Remus, but I can if you'd like? I will be describing the prompt, and (depending on what it is) do a quick scenario! Anyway, you can request preferences as well as one-shots!

How They Kiss You (Suggestive)


Sweet and playful kisses. Usually a kiss on the forehead and cuddles. But when you are home alone he can push you against the wall and kiss you deeply, but still playfully.


Patton and I were left home alone, while everyone else went to buy stuff for the surprise party for Patton. His birthday was tomorrow and we wanted to throw a party! but anyway, we both sat on Patton's bed, cuddling while watching Snow White.

At the end of the movie, Patton grabbed my chin and brought my face painfully close to his, yet no touching. He then leaned in and kissed me deeply, licking my lower, pushing me down on the bed. We made out for what seemed like hours until he pulled away and started leaving playful sloppy kisses on my neck. I push him away slightly giving him a funny look. "What's gotten into you? you aren't this touchy usually..." I say while laughing a little. he then smiles at me and leans down to my ear. "Consider this as a thank you" - "For w-what?" - "The party!" I push him away giving him a confused and shocked look. "Excuse me?! How did you know?" he chuckled and pecked me on the lips. "It was pretty obvious kiddo!" I blush slightly, and Patton leans back into my neck. "So, thank you..." Patton mumbled against my skin


Romantic kisses. Soft, hands in each others hair, passionate and sensual. Just, perfect.


Roman and I are dancing to slow music in the park. We decided to go on another date, as you can probably tell already. Roman twirls, and dips me, my hair touching the ground. He brings me back up fast, causing me to stumble and fall into him. He chuckles lowly and brushes a strand of hair from my face, leaning in and kissing me gently. I kiss back, my hands subconsciously intertwining with his hair. His hands are still on my thighs holding me in place. We pull away, our lips still barely touching, panting and looking into each other's eyes. Roman smiles and leads me by my hand to an ice cream shop. We order ice cream and just talk. Until Roman once again leans in, putting his soft and warm lips on my cold covered in ice cream. He licks my lips, tasting the ice cream, and I open up my mouth which he uses to slide his tongue in. He pulls away smirking slightly at my shocked and red face.


Whatever you want when you want it. Somehow, he always knows exactly how to kiss you, whether it's soft or rough, slow or a simple peck on the lips. How? who knows! but hey, who's be against that?


I'm working on a project for college and Logan agreed to help me with it. My brains are fried after the 2 hours of nothing but work, while Logan seems fine!

I groan in frustration, and Logan looks at me blankly. "Is something wrong?" I look at him in annoyance "No! I'm fanFRICKINtastic!" I say and slam my head on my desk.


That hurt more than I thought it would. I hiss at the pain and rub my forehead. Logan grabs my chin and leaves sloppy yet long kisses on my forehead, which calms me, so much. He let's go still holding my chin. "Anything else hurts?" I blink once and then smirk. "If I say yes...Will you kiss me again?" Logan smirks back slightly and nods. I point to my lips and he looks down at my lips as if examining them. He squints one eye and tilts his head to the right. "Hmm, your lips seem to be fine." Logan looks up with his eyes, his face still facing the direction of my lips. I lick my bottom lip and bite it. Logan sees and shivers slightly, not letting much emotion go through. "Ouch! my lip hurts soooo much! I think I ACCIDENTALLY bit it too hard! could you kiss it to make me feel better?" I pretend to be hurt and flap my eyelashes innocently. Logan chuckles lowly, and quickly kisses my bottom lip, trying to tease me. But I act fast enough and lean into him as he starts to pull away, wrapping my hands around the back of his head keeping him from pulling away. He eventually kisses back, putting his hand on the inside on my thing, rubbing it slightly to which I respond with a shiver. He starts to kiss more softly, making the kiss more sloppy. I swear this man, knows exactly what I need. I pull away and look him in the eyes. "How?" - "What do you mean?" - "How do you always know what I want...?" Logan smirks and starts rubbing my thigh more, moving up to my crotch. I inhale sharply, Squeezing my thighs. "Most of the time, it's just a matter of body language..." Logan says in a low voice. He leans in again, kissing me roughly this time, pushing his tongue against my lips. I gasp of the sudden roughness, which causes me to stop squeezing my thighs and focus on his tongue now inside my mouth. Logan uses this opportunity to move up his hand further into my crotch, rubbing my core through my pants. I moan into the kiss and feel him smile against my lips. he pulls away smiling, and put's his forehead on mine and sighs, looking into my eyes, while I continue breathing heavily shifting against his hand. (Ima stop now sorry I'm not writing a smut chapter right now...Unless you want to I will...)


Rough kisses always. When in public, of course, he just wraps his hand around h]your wist and kissed your ear and the side of your neck. When alone, then OOF, shit's about to get HOT.



irgil pushes you against the door, kissing you roughly forcing his tongue into your mouth. He places his leg against your crotch, and you moan into the kiss, intertwining your hands in Virgil's hair, pulling on it. He groans loudly but with a low voice. He continues to rub me with his knee until he lightly slaps my butt signaling to jump up. I do so, wrapping my legs around his waist. He walks over to the bed and drops me on to my back. He pulls away and hovers over me, pressing his lips on my neck. He bites and sucks on my soft spot, and I moan, (My head is literally getting dizzy what the heck-) pulling on his hair roughly, to which he responds with grinding. I moan more at the friction, feeling my crotch heat up more and more. (stoP TURNING EVERYTHING INTO SMUT AUTHOR I SWEAR TO GOD-) Virgil then falls next to me, stopping all the friction, and just kisses on the side of my neck. He then snuggles into my neck, still kissing it, wraps his arms around my waist and stomach, while I put my chin on his head and put my hands in his hair, playing with it. (Okay there I dialed it down IM SORRY)

Deceit (My snaky boi-)

A sensual, rough, and erotic gentlemen. That sucker kisses your hand when in public and holds it never letting go like a true innocent gentleman, but once alone...Welp, here is what happens.


Deceit puts his forehead on mine, breathing heavily mumbling things almost touching my lips. He walks forward, pushing me against the wall. He then leans in more and kisses me, moving his lips with mine in sink. His two legs hold one of mine in place, which causes him to occasionally rub me. He licks my lip painfully slow, so I don't grant him an entrance. He pulls away slightly, still breathing heavily. This time, He only sticks his tongue out and starts licking my lips, to which I stick out my tongue and start playing with his. He then wraps his mouth around my tongue and sucks on it lightly, to which I respond with a moan. He uses this to put his lips against mine, and explore my mouth with his tongue. He starts using his hand to hold the inside on my thing in place, and his other hand to rub me. I try to squeeze my thighs but hands because of his grip on me. He pulls away and kisses my cheek, going down to my jawline, biting it softly, to my neck and collar bone. He breathes heavily, putting his hot air onto my skin. He kisses my neck with his tongue swirling everywhere. I moan into his touch more, putting my hands against the wall. He grabs my hands and puts them in his hair, signaling me to keep them there. I play with his hair as he goes down to my collarbone, and licks it lightly, leaving his hot breath lingering on my skin. Needless to say, this night was extra hot.

YEET, now that's all I git for ya'll today! You can request preferences AND one-shots! (PLZ do please) Hope you enjoyed and have a good day baaii!!!

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