Roman x Reader

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"Roman Roman Roman Roman! Come look over here!!" I yell as I look down at the fish in the pond. Roman laughs and jogs over to me, wrapping one arm around my waist, smiling looking down at the fish. I bounce a little on my feet and smile wide, looking at the bright colored fish. Roman puts his chin on my shoulder, and pecks my neck, making me blush a little. Roman looks over to me, smiling warmly. He turns my head to face him with his thumb and forefinger, putting away a strand of hair on my face. He leans in slowly, and I lean in as well. As our lips are just about to touch we hear a familiar voice, which causes us to put our faces back.

"Um, am I interrupting something?" Virgil asks sheepishly, and looks at us with crossed arms and a slightly raised eyebrow. "Oh...uhm, n-no...d-did you need-d something?" I ask nervously, getting away from Romans grip, to which he responds with a pout. "Uh yeah...I was gonna get some ice cream and wanted to ask if you wanted anything?" - "I'll have a strawberry vanilla!" I shout excitedly like a child. Roman says he doesn't want any, and Virgil leaves to buy the ice cream. Roman looks back at me, now embarrassed and blushing. I blush a little to, looking down at the side, having my arms behind my back. "So... Do you want to stroll around here, and, maybe find something else to look at?" - "sure, if you want to of course!" I laugh nervously, making the tension grow worst. But instead Roman just smiles warmly and takes my hand, leading me further down the grass. We walk on the grass, hand in hand, our fingers slowly intertwining. I point at the yellow and black fish (does that kind of fish exist? I have no clue but it sure does now, why? CUZ I SAID SO) and run up to see it closer, while Roman drags behind me, chuckling at my childishness. We look at the fish until we hear Patton's voice. "Hey ya two live birds, I brought you the ice cream!" I turn around and run up to Patton, losing the grip from Roman again, and taking the ice cream. "Where did Virgil go?" I ask twirling the ice cream, seeing where is best to start eating it. "Oh he had to go back to his room! Something important he said, I'm not sure what it is exactly." - "oh, that's weird...he doesn't usually leave to abruptly." - "yeah well, it's Virgil so, what can you do?" Roman says, as he walks up to Patton and I. "Okay well, I'll leave you two love birds!" I tried to ignore the last time he said it but now I just full on blush. I glanced at Roman to see he was also uncomfortable. I looked around and saw a table for two, and dragged Roman there. We sat across from each other and just started talking about random things, while I was eating my ice cream. Small talk turned into a conversation and a conversation turned into playful flirting and that turned into straight up never ending flirting. At this point Roman was smirking, I'm pretty sure his ass off, and I was blushing trying to act cool. I was holding my ice cream in the middle of the small table, and Roman smirked this time showing his teeth, going in and licking the ice cream. I look wide eyed, as he pain fully slow, drags his tongue against the ice cream, looking at me the entire time. I make a weird face and he just chuckles lowly. He leans in to make another lick, and out of pure curiosity and being flirt drunk, I also swoop in and start licking it the same speed as Roman. We look in each other's eyes, and once we lick the ice cream, Roman leans in and kisses me, swooping his tongue in my slightly open mouth. His tongue is still covered in ice cream, and so is mine, so when our tongues dance around we can taste the ice cream from both of our tongues. We pull away for air, swallowing the rest of our ice cream, and I feel something cold dripping down my hands. I look down and it's the ice cream. Roman stands up and grabs a paper towel, wiping the strawberry vanilla ice cream off. I look at him blushing, and he just smiles warmly, with a slight hint of a smirk. " you want to get Patton and go home?-" - " ALREADY HERE!!!" Patton yells from the distance. I blush even more at the thought of him seeing all of our actions, but Roman on the other hand seems quite calm and just stands up, holding his hand out for me to take. I gladly take the hand, and Roman kisses it intertwining fingers. We walk behind Patton, licking the ice cream once in a while, and when we both reach in for ice cream we peck each other on the lips.

Once we get home we head to Roman's room, and go on for a Disney movie. The movie we chose was Tangled, and we sang through half of the songs. And once "I See the Light" came on, Roman stood up taking my hand, and invited me for a dance. I danced swaying back and forth, and when Eugene and Rapunzel sang together, Roman sang along with them and I joined in

"And at last I see the light~" we both sang

"And it's like, the fog has lifted..." Roman sang while spinning me around, and we repeated the Chorus.

"And it's like the sky is neeeww~" I sang, stepping closer to Roman, looking him deeply in the eyes, getting lost in them by the second. By the end of the song, Roman starts to slowly lean in, and I lean in as well, glancing at his lips and his eyes. Our lips connect, and this will sound cheesy I know but, I felt butterflies arise in my stomach. It felt like I was flying, almost in a dream. But it wasn't, it was all real, and I couldn't be more happy. We pulled away from each other, our lips still barely touching looking into each other's eyes. Roman smiles and pecks me on the lips, laying me back down on the bed. For the rest of the movie, I lay in Romans arms, my head on his shoulder, our feet intertwined, and Roman feeding me popcorn every now and then when I was too busy snuggling into his chest or neck. But by the end of the movie, I fell asleep in his arms.

-~ Third POV ~-

Roman lays you down softly under see the blanket, cleaning up all the food. He then changed his clothes, which meant putting on boxers and nothing else. He laid down spooning you, and snuggled into your neck. He kisses you on the temple, and rubbed your hand with his thumb, looking at your ring finger.

Roman smiles brightly at the thought of you being his, and falls asleep with it, letting the night take both you and Roman to a dream Neverland.


WOOP WOOP! I tried making this fluffy so HERE WE ARE! personally, I like this one shot and I thought of it while being out with my neice. We were walking around the pond in our apartment seeing if there are any fishies swimming around...heheheh...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one shot as much as I did, and that you have a great day!

Oh and also I'm free for requests!

Oh an funny thing! I wrote "Ramon" instead of "Roman" for this whole chapter until I felt something was off so I had to fish out (heh, get it? Fish out...because the chapter starts with, the reader and...Roman looking at fish- okay I'll stop) all the time I had to use his name and I was DIEING XD

Imagine if that would be his real name though? ...I'd totally date him just to brag to my friends and they will ask "so what's his name" and I'll just do a dramatic turn and be like "RAMON" XD I'm so mean I'm sorry

Sander Sides x Reader ((Requests CLOSED))Where stories live. Discover now