Chapter Twenty Three

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"Ready to go inside?" Tōshirō asked you, peering into your eyes.

He held your hand and pulled you up the stairs to the front door.
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and twisted the knob.

Inside, the house was gorgeous. It was a huge upgrade to the way it was before. You squeezed Tōshirō's hand as he lead you through his creation.
He had every detail to your liking, and there were small details that reminded you of your Ice King too. It was almost like a perfect combo house for you two.

There were even some framed pictures of you and Winnie.

"Where did you get these?" You asked.

"Some things were salvageable from both this house and your sisters in the Soul Society."

You felt so much admiration and gratitude for your ice cold Captain.
Perhaps, under it all, he did have a heart! This was the most emotion you had ever seen him display.

"I don't know what to say. Thank you!" You teared up again as you hugged him.

"It was no big deal." Tōshirō wiped a stray tear away from your eye before you could start the water works again.

You walked around some more until you found the bedroom. It was big, and beautiful. There was a king sized bed in the center.
Things with Tōshirō didn't make sense to you.
Sometimes he was warm, others cold.

"Can we ta-" you began to say as Tōshirō picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. He tossed you down onto the bed.

"I really like you (Y/n)! I shouldn't... but I do. You're beautiful, exotic, and such a hard worker. I can't suppress my feelings any longer."
Tōshirō was gazing into your eyes while confessing his true feelings. You were in completely shock and awe. Looks of love and lust gleamed from his eyes.

"I know you were drunk, but you told me you really liked me and had wanted to see me. That, alone, is what convinced me to fully embrace my feelings for you." Tōshirō continued on.

Before he could finish, you crashed your lips into his.

Cold As Ice- Tōshirō POV with Lemons Where stories live. Discover now