Chapter 11-do you forgive him?: a diffrent Hae Jin-

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Soo hee looks down...

"You're fired." I said and with that I left the room.

Soo Hee's POV

I will make you mine, Mr. Park. But I need to get rid of that Hae Jin. Ugh!

Jimin's POV

As I went out of the room, I overheard their conversation.

"Do you forgive him?"Mi San asked

"As from what I saw, that was a different you, hae Jin."Hyo Bin said

"Oh please! Stop your horrible conclusions! I was just saving him from another mistake!"Hae Jin said

"When will you stop blaming your father for such things? If it's about your mother's death, blame him if he's the one who drove the car! But it was your father's mistress who drove the car, so it's not him who kill her." Sae Bin said.

"Ugh... stop telling me things like you're my parents. I get scolded by my uncle, and now even you will scold me?" She complains.

"Well you got scolded by uncle Jimin. I bet you got scared. He was angry as hell. He even looks scarier than dad!" Kyo Wo said grinning.

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were~"Kyo Wo teased.

"You were?" I asked showing myself.

"Da- M-Mr. Park? how much did you hear?" She asked in shocked.

"Were you just about to call me 'dad'." I said smiling.

Hae Jin's POV

"" I said unsure

"You sure?" He asked once again with a wide smile

"No...?" I said unsure. I just fake smile. "Can we eat? I'm hungry." I said as I pulled Jun Hyuk outside the building.

There was a moment of silence between the two of us. I was about to speak when he spoke up first.

"You were scared because you got scolded by your father?" He asked

"Really Jagi? Can't you ask a different question?" I said as I look at him annoyed. He just chuckled.

"Fine. So do you forgive him?"


"Okay okay... here's the condition, answer this question and I won't ask more questions about your father, okay?"

"...sure." I said hesitantly.

"Tell me... we all know, especially you, that your father never really killed her. Why do you keep blaming your father for something that he didn't even do?"he asked. At first I was kind of surprised. But I answered without hesitation.

"You're right. He didn't kill her. But did you ever think that if he just told mom his problem and if he didn't cheat, will that psycho be able to get mad and hit her?Mom could've beat the hell out of her if he just told mom earlier. But he didn't."

"But do you think he had a reason why he didn't tell her? Have you ever asked him the real reason?"he said as he walked towards his friends, Hyo Bin and the others. I just look at them.

"He's right.." I mumbled

"Who's right?"someone said. I turn around in shook while I slap him and kicked his stomach.

"Oww!!" He hissed in pain. I then realized it was Mr. Park.

"I-I'm Sorry! Are you alright?!" I asked worriedly. I gently held his face and worriedly checked the part where I slapped him.

"Yup. Totally fine... I'd be more fine if you kiss me on my cheeks, sweetheart"he said with his so called aegyo.

"Do you want me to slap you again or is it because I slap you too hard." I said looking at him as if I was so done with life. He just giggled.

"You know sometimes you sound like your mother." He said as he stood up properly and dust himself off.

"Really now? Well sorry to say, you can't fall for me. I'm taken." I said making him giggle once again. When all of a sudden he flicked me in the forehead. I held my forehead and looked at him surprised.

"What the hell was that for?!" I shouted. He just stuck his tongue at me. We both then heard small laughs. "Hey! The two of you can continue you father-daughter moments later, for now let's eat? I'm hungry!" Hyo Bin said.

Author's POV

"Sure." Jimin said "let's go princess." Jimin said looking at his daughter while he offers a hand. Hae Jin looks at him.

"No thank you." She said as she walks pass him. Jimin looks at her and sigh. She runs next to Jun Hyuk and held his hand.

~time skip~

Dinner with uncle hoseok and aunt rose was quiet. When uncle hoseok spoke.

"So...I heard you and your father are getting along."He said making me look at him in confusion.

"Who told you that?" I asked in confusion and with a hint of cold tone.

"Hyo Bin." He said. I glared at Hyo Bin sharply. Hyo Bin just shrugs innocently.

"That is a 100% lie."

"Your father is trying his best. All his apologies are very sincere. And all of us can see that. But you as her daughter,couldn't."Aunt Rose said.

"Mom's right. Open your eyes man! Look at your father, I feel sad for him... if I were you, once he said sorry to me, I'd forgive him ASAP."Hyo Bin said while stuffing ramen into his mouth. "why cant you just forgive him?" He continues while Aunt rose flicked his head

"Cause I'm not you. I don't forgive that easily. Im not like mom."I answer slowly losing my appetite.

"You really need to open your eyes." Hyo Bin says.

"You wouldn't understand... and also. I don't understand! Why do you keep bringing this topic up every night?" I asked slightly raising my voice.

"Why Hae Jin? Can't think of any more wrong excuse? Cause you're slowly realising that your wrong for not forging him that easily? For hating him?"uncle hoseok said.

"Hae Jin, I won't stop bringing this topic up. Until the day you forgive him." He continues as he stand up. "Hyo Bin, you wash the dishes. Hae Jin help him. Okay?" He said walking upstairs. "Ne..." we both said in unison.

~time skip~

I deeply sigh as I dry the dishes Hyo Bin washed.

"Whats with the sigh?"


"Come on! I'm your cousin! I know you by every inch. What's the matter?" He said nudging my elbow.

"Just thinking..."

"About What?"He said nudging my elbow again making accidentally spill the water making my clothes wet. I just let it pass

"I think your right."

"About What?"He said nudging my elbow again making me stumble to the side while my right elbow slightly hit the corner of the kitchen counter. Once again I let it pass and continue to speak.

"I should open my heart to him."


End of chapter

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