Chapter 6-5 years later:Prove them wrong-

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"Your father promised matter what happens he will stay contact...that nothing will ever change... he promise that nothing will end their love...he also promised that he will never ever break it, not like what I did..." uncle hoseok said sadly...

"Yet the three of those were broken by one mistake... Y/n would forgive him for cheating cause she knows he did it for a reason. She can see the unknown reason in his eyes. And I know it..." he continues...

"Yet he promised not to do such a thing... but then again, he broke all three promise which y/n considers as a sin...It broke her heart,to know that her husband cheated and broke the promise..."

"It broke her to pieces..again..." he said as he went in the car...

I slowly opened the car door and went in... silence took over the whole ride... none of us dare to speak a word... pure silence and sadness remains...

~time skip~

As I arrived in my new room. I walk up to my bed lazily... I lazily lay down my bed while I look at the ceiling,thinking of what the woman said a while ago... I think her name was Kim Won Mae?

When she was taken to the cell, I've heard her saying...'You're just another failure and mistake... like your mother...'

Then out of nowhere,I've thought of different phrases from people...





'Not loved...'

'Not successful...'

'She will never. EVER. have a successful life...'

I close my eyes and smirked... I opened my eyes...

"I'll prove them all wrong..."I whispered as a tear from my eye escaped... "I will..."

Author's POV

Hae Jin, idolises her mother very much... from y/n's savage attitude to her caring one... she idolises every inch of her mother... but there were three things she never liked about her mother... Hae Jin never liked rapping not as much as y/n do... Hae Jin prefers singing... rapping is the one of the things that y/n and Hae Jin would always fight about...

Hae Jin also never liked how her mother doesn't like wearing skirts...Hae Jin LOVES skirts, cause Hae Jin wasn't like her short, she wasn't boyish...

And lastly, Hae Jin also never liked how messy her mother was... if Hae Jin's clothes get a single stain, she would go historical... while y/n was opposite... spill a whole cup of chocolate juice on her white and brand new Gucci shirt, y/n wouldn't mind,yet you still have to face the consequences. She would get mad because of she got wet, I mean who wouldn't. But she won't go crazy on the stain, not like Hae Jin...

As I was saying... Hae Jin idolises y/n so much and she wanted to make her proud... even if she couldn't see what she would achieve...

~5 years later~

Heels of a young and beautiful woman was the only ones that can be heard across the room

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Heels of a young and beautiful woman was the only ones that can be heard across the room... the hall and entrance had a lot of people wanting to get employed. All of them are talking and laughing but when the young woman steps in the building,all were silent.

Who is the woman? Well... it's the one and

"Who is she?"One maiden said, who was clearly clueless of who she was...

The young woman heard this and—


"Yes, you!"she yelled disrespectfully... all gasped...

"My name is Park Hae Jin... Yes... The Park Hae Jin... and just in case you don't know...I'm the most famous CEO in the whole world...And yes... you're standing right inside my company.."Hae Jin said savagely...

Well, it wasn't really her fault that the young woman, Hae Jin, wasn't wearing something formal...

This is what she wore...

Hae Jin walks away leaving the maiden shocked

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Hae Jin walks away leaving the maiden shocked... she stops walking and looked back...

"And also...You're fired..."she said with a smirk


"Security!" Hae Jin shouts. The security takes the girl away.

~time skip~

Hae Jin was just sitting with her hand massaging her forehead because of the stress... the doors of her office opens, she looks up and she smiled....

"Uhuh!! The queen is back in Korea!!"Sae Bin yells with her arms out wide...

"What in the world..."Hae Jin mumbles...

"Hey cuz!!! I missed ya!did you?!"Hyo Bin said running to his cousin and hugging her from the back...

"Get off me Hyo Bin..."

"I guess she doesn't..."Kyo Wo said making Hyo Bin glare at him

"Shut up Kyo Wo." Hyo Bin growled...

"Yah! You guys should make way for Hae Jin's one and only boyfriend!Hae Jin's handsome prince."Mi San teased while bowing as if she was bowing to a king...

"Mi San stop that... dont...don't do that" Jun Hyuk said giggling...

Jun Hyuk's eyes met Hae Jin's... the both of them smiled...

"Missed me?"

"So much..."Hae Jin said as she smiled...

"Eiiiyyyy!!!!" All of them squeals

"Guys you are too noisy..."

"You just missed us Hae Jin!" Hae Jin just rolled her eyes... she did missed them... 3 years of separation? Who would miss their friends? Their goofiness? She loved them...

~time skip~

Hae Jin was in a caffe drinking coffee... Hae Jin loves coffee... not like her mom...anyways... she was sitting by the window enjoying the view...

Once she was done, she stood up and took her things which was her phone, her purse and her favourite book. When suddenly someone bumped into her. Her things all fell down, she quickly bend down to pick it up.

"I am so sorry, I didn't see you..."The man said while he helped her pick her thinks up..

"Geez man... I'm not that short for you not to see me.." she mumbles making the man laugh a little...

She was about to pick her book, when she saw a hand. She looked up and she got shocked...  well she only saw the one and only



End of chapter

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