On The 523rd Date

Start from the beginning

His idea was to do it here, yes, propose to him here.

What cheesy idea to do it then where they first met?

Jungkook thought the diner was amazing, it was old and aesthetically pleasing to his eye.

And, Taehyung knew what to say..he just didn't know when to do it.

"-ung? Taehyung?" Jungkook waves his hand in front of his face and giggles softly. "You're spacing out again..but I just said what you wanted to drink for you since you get the same thing every time.." he said and smiles widely.

Oh. My. God.

That smile. Could kill.

Taehyung thought and then smiled. "Sorry, just thinking about how cute you are." He whispered and watched as the younger's cheeks turned a bit red.

"Hey..I'm not cute TaeTae, I prefer to say you're the cute one here."

Taehyung raises an eyebrow. "Mhmmmmmm~" He says slowly and sarcastically.

They continued like that, talking about things no one else would get and the only other thing that could be heard was the cars passing by.

Even after they paid, they continued talking.

One time, they had actually stayed talking outside all day in the rain.

Yeah, they ended up sick but it was still worth it.

Taehyung could feel himself get nervous as he listened to the other talk about how Namjoon once burned eggs and Jin, was very angry about it.

"Jungkook?" He said, once Jungkook had finished the story, and he leans forward a little.

Jungkook tilts his head. "Yes TaeTae?"

"Let's go outside and see if we can see any constellations!" He said and grabs Jungkook's hand, dragging him outside.

Jungkook squealed But smiles, knowing Taehyung absolutely loves the stars, and so did he.

"You know Jungkook..I love you more than anything in the world."

Jungkook looks at him. "Tae-"

"And I would absolutely do anything for you. I love waking up to your sleepy yet perfect face. I love spending the days we have together with you, and I know we sometimes fight. But we get through it, right? You're so beautiful to me and I don't know how in the world I got so lucky. You're perfect, Jungkook, perfect. You work so hard on everything you do and..I know you get frustrated sometimes, even shut down, but I'll be there for you, even on your worst days..I'll be there with you through it all..And I know I scrambled all this out but I just needed you to see that I adore you and I can only see myself in the future with you..Jeon Jungkook and..and.."

As Jungkook watches Taehyung get on one knee, he swears his eyes almost bulge out of his head.

"T-Taehyung.." He mumbles but Taehyung just smiled, holding a ring in his left hand as he held Jungkook's right hand.

"So..Baby, Kookie, Bunny, Jeon Jungkook, will you marry me?"

Jungkook stares and stumbles on his words, not knowing why he was getting so freaking shy.

Oh, maybe that's why.

Taehyung, Kim Taehyung, the man he loved and adored and would give up anything just for him was proposing to him?

Well, he might just die from the heat rising up in his face.

He snapped out of his panic mode and quickly nodded. "Oh my god..Taehyung yes yes yes yes yes..!" he practically almost yelled as he continued to say yes.

He was too busy panicking with excitement that he hadn't even felt Taehyung slip the ring on his finger but he did snap out of it when Taehyung chuckled, pressing his lips to Jungkook's.

As they parted after a while, Jungkook knew his face was bright red but Taehyung smiled. "I love you so much Jungkook. Don't ever doubt it. And now, I get to marry you." He whispered and pressed his forehead against Jungkook's, feeling it start to rain on his head.

Jungkook smiles. "I-I love you too Taehyung..I didn't even know..Oh my god." He mumbles but Taehyung just pulls him close.

They hugged for a long time after that, even through the rain.

Although they knew they would get sick, again, no amount of force could really break them apart.

"I can't wait to marry you, Kim Jungkook."

Jungkook blushes at the name. "I can't wait to marry you, Kim Taehyung."

When they got back to the apartment, Jimin could be heard from outer space, screaming about how he couldn't wait, and how he was going to help Jungkook with everything and he rambled on and on.

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other and smiled.

This is gonna be a wild ride.

Sorry if this is a bit rushed, I'm trying to come up with ideas and I thought of this and I was really excited to write it! Also, sorry if it's a bit cheesy and dramatic..

But I love you guys!!💜 hope you enjoy! :)

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