The Return

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Franny's POV

"Gavin Chance, don't you dare throw the cereal on the floor" I said sternly as I curled my hair. He only giggled as if I had said a funny joke and proceeded to drop each peace of cereal from his high chair onto the floor. I chuckled, I'm pretty sure he knew there would actually be no consequence which he found amusing. I however did not find it amusing but his little laugh is like a stress reliever and it always makes me smile. I swear I'm such a push over for him.  

I finished curling my hair and then picked up the cereal from my floor before taking him out of his high chair and cleaning him up. Nezza was had been in town for a while so she offered to babysit while I went to go hang out with some friends that I had made. They were also moms and they took their kids to the same place I take Gavin when I don't have anyone to watch him. It was like a day care but education for infants and toddlers. They claim to help brain development for kids which I'm still not sure is actually helpful but Gavin lives going so I'm sure it's great. 

I heard the doorbell and I jogged to go open the door. "Hey Nezz, come one in" I said. "Hey Fran, almost ready?" She asked as she followed me to the room. "Yeah, I just have to change and I'm ready to bounce" I said.

 "Aww there's my little baby" Nezza said cooing at Gavin. "Nuh uh, he just threw his cereal on the ground and laughed. He's pure evil" I said chuckling. "Well, maybe if you didn't give him that nasty organic crap" Nezza teased. "Nezza he gets freaking hyper when I gave him the ones with sugar" I explained. 

She laughed, "I'm just joking Fran. I mean being a babysitter is cool but being with a hyper baby 24/7 I'm sure isn't fun, especially at night" she said. I chuckled, "couldn't have spoken truer words." "Alright, I'm going to head out now" I said giving Gavin a kiss and hug before handing him to Nezza. 


My friends and I had decided to go to this mini golf place that served alcoholic drinks and they were all so good. You take a drink and think this doesn't even have alcohol but a little while after it hits you. I only had two drinks because I was driving home so I didn't want to be drunk or even tipsy because I think people that drunk drive are irresponsible. 

All the girls and I were having a great time but bout an hour and a half in I receive a call from Nezza. "Hold up guys, Nezza's calling me, I hope Gavin isn't being fussy" I said. "Oh okay, we'll just get some more drinks before we move to the next area" Olivia said reassuring me. I gave her a smile as I answered my phone. 

"Hey Nezz, what's up? Is Gavin being too fussy? Usually if you warm up his milk-" I said before being cut off by Nezza. 

"Actually Fran this isn't about Gavin. Well it is about Gavin, but more about his genetic half. Ha ha, get it because two parents and their child and genetics and Gregor Mendel is the father of genetics-" Nezza rambled. 

"Nezza you're not even making sense" I interrupted. 

"Kians here!" She blurted out. My stomach dropped at her words. 

"What? Where's Gavin?" I questioned. Please not with kian, please not with Kian.

"With Kian" Nezza said nervously. 

"Fuck Nezza" I groaned. "Fine I'm on my way, I'll be there in like 20-30 minutes. Don't let Kian wander around and keep a close eye on Gavin!" I said stressed. 

"Got it. See you soon" she said before hanging up. I sighed, well that's not what I expected from that phone call. 

"I'm sorry guys, I have to go" I said. "What's wrong Fran?" Liz asked me. "Baby daddy drama, he's back girls, after six months" I said bitterly. "I'll tell you guys how it goes, see you later everyone" I said giving everyone a goodbye hug before turning in my golf club and getting in my car and speeding, making it home in a record of time. 

When I opened the door I saw Kian with a giggling and happy Gavin. I rolled my eyes, "what are you doing here?" I said emotionless. He quickly stood up placing Gavin on his hip. How was he so good with the baby? It's like Gavin knew that was his dad. 

"Franny, I was hoping I could talk to you" He said. "Give me Gavin" I said plainly. Kian handed me and Gavin lit up at my sight, "mama" he said repeatedly. "Hi baby, mamas back. Sorry for this Nezz, and thank you so much for babysitting" I said turning to my best friend. "Don't worry about it, see you tomorrow" she said trying to leave this awkward situation. 

I sat on the couch and Kian took the hint to do it also as Gavin was oblivious as to what was about to happen. "Okay, start talking" I said looking at kian really looking at him for the first time. His hair was its natural brown tone but he had a different haircut. He had a shadow of a beard but his eyes portrayed something I hadn't quite seen before, which I couldn't quite put my finger on. I couldn't tell what they were expressing and I could always read him before. 

"Well I'm sure you want to know what's been going on with me for these past months. Honestly for the first two months I completely spiraled downhill. I'm not telling you this to make you pity me but it was bad. I'd become so reliant on alcohol drowning out my feelings that I forgot how to face them. Eventually the guys got tired of my bullshit and I started going to therapy and got sober during the next couple of months. I still drink every once in a while for fun but I know alcohol isn't a solution and neither is running from my problems" he said. 

"I also realized during therapy that I was sabotaging my self so no one else can make things better except myself so here I am. Nezza wouldn't let me leave the living room but I hope you were able to put the things I had boughten to use. I figured why give them away when I could help you save a little bit of money by giving them to you" he continued. 

"And I don't expect you to let me in right away but I really want to step up for Gavin and you too if you'd let me. I want to provide for you guys but I completely understand that it's not that simple" he said. I nodded taking in all of his words. 

"Well I appreciate you coming here and being mature and realizing that you were in the wrong, which I'm sure isn't easy and you're right, it's not going to be that easy to come back into both of our lives but your my baby's dad so I'm willing to give it a chance" I said. 

"Thanks Fran, I won't let you down this time" he said giving me a hug. "Yeah, Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it" I said nonchalantly. 

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