The Talk

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Franny's POV 

Today's the day I have to talk to Kian. I had texted if if he was busy so I could drop by cause we needed to talk. He said he was free today for whenever I wanted to come over. At the time I knew finalizing the schedule with him would be a good idea but now I'm mentally cursing myself for being the idiot to volunteer myself to go. 

I anxiously got myself ready for the day and tried to mentally prepare myself for the worst, while trying to stay hopeful that maybe things wouldn't turn out so bad. 


I've been standing in front of the door for a total of five minutes now trying to get myself to knock on the door. I took a final deep breath and knocked even though every bone in my body wanted me to run away and drive home. Kian opened the door, "hey come in. No ones home but let's head upstairs" he said calmly almost glad to see me. I smiled "okay" I followed him up and sat on the edge of the bed giving us some space in between. 

"Okay, so I'm just going to get straight to the point before I back out and you're going to freak out, but just hear my out. Alright?" I said nervously. Kian nodded, "okay." 

"Well... I- um... I'm pregnant" I managed to spy out. Kian's eyes were as wide as saucers. I probably would've laughed had this been a different situation. "That night, we used protection right?" I said unsure. "Yeah?" Kian said back unsure himself. "What do you mean yeah?" I said with my eyes narrowed. "Well I'm pretty sure I did but my memory is a little Larry from that night. But I thought you were on birth control anyways?" he said confused. "Kian, I'm allergic to birth control. I haven't been on it since I was a teenager and almost died because of it" I said. I could tell by his face that he had completely forgot but he remembered me telling him the story previously. 

"Fuck franny" he said putting his face into his hands. "What do we do now?" 

"I can't get rid of it Kian, this is a life that didn't ask to be brought into this world. It's here 'cause we messed up" I said. 

"And your one hundred percent sure your pregnant? Do you have the test with you?" He asked. I sighed, "yeah, I took three because I wanted to be sure before I made a big deal about anything" I explained as I handed him the tests. "And how far along are you?" He questioned. "About a month and a half" I said putting it in simple terms rather than 6 weeks. 

"And you're going to keep it?" He said still doubtful. "Kian, if I killed him or her I could never forgive myself. Wouldn't you feel even the slightest bit guilty for killing our baby?" I asked shocked. "I'm not saying you have to kill it, I'm just saying you don't have to keep it. Lots of families want a baby!" He said trying to get me to change my mind. 

"Franny I told you I wasn't ready for a relationship, much less a baby" Kian said upset. 

"Well the baby's going to be here eventually because I'm not getting rid of it so either you choose to be a part of his or her life or you can choose to walk out and you'll never hear from me again, I can promise you that" I said angry yet heartbroken by his reaction. 

He groaned in frustration, "I love you Franny, I can't just let you walk out of my life" he said. 

 "Then accept me and my baby if you mean it. I'm sick of you always playing the victim. I'm not forcing you to do anything. I've already made my choice, so now you make yours" I said honestly. 

Tears escaped my eyes in frustration, "honestly Kian, I'm not going to continue begging. I'll give you until the end of the week to reach out, if I don't get a call from you I'll know what you want and you'll never have to see me or this baby but don't come back in five years and suddenly think it's your right to see my baby because you were the one who left" I said protectively. I got my bag from the edge of his bed and walked out slamming the door. 

I locked my self in my car and cried until I was stable enough to drive home. As soon as I got home I crashed on my bed. That did not go well at all. I mean I didn't expect him to jump for joy but I guess I also didn't expect him to react so negatively. I slept until I felt a gentle shake. 

"I brought some food Fran" Nezza whispered. I slowly got up, "I'm not hungry." Nezza sighed, "I'm guessing the whole talking to Kian thing didn't go over too well." I started crying all over again which honestly felt exhausting but I couldn't hold in the tears. "I gave him to call me and if he doesn't then I know his answer. If he doesn't it'll just be me and the baby because I told him I don't want him showing up in five years wanting to be part of the baby's life. As of right now, I don't think he wants to be a part of the baby's life. You should've heard him Nezz, I knew this was the last thing either one of us expected but I don't know, I guess I thought he'd a be a little more understanding. It's not like I planned or wanted this to happen" I sniffled. 

"Oh honey" she said simply pulling me into her arms. She laid with me until I was done crying. "You have to eat Fran, if not for you then for the baby. You can't be underweight if you want the baby to be healthy " Nezza said trying to guilt me. I sniffled, "can I eat in here?" Nezza gave me a warm smile, "of course, I'll bring my food too so we can eat together." 

Just being with Nezza made me feel better and safe. I knew that even if the world was ending Nezza would still have my back. 

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