The Second-Date

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Franny's POV 

I say in my living room waiting for Colby to pick me up. I was a bit nervous at how today was going to go. I need to tell Colby about the baby because i need to give him time to walk away. After all, a baby is a huge responsibility and our relationship is so new. I don't even know if he wants kids. Let alone one that isn't biologically his. I took a deep breath as I heard a knock on the door. 

"Hey Fran, you look great. Ready to go?" He said with a smile. I loved how he just has such a comforting presence. "Yup, I'm good to go" I said smiling back as he took a hold of my hand and led me to his car. He already knew where The House was so we talked until we arrived. "Fair warning, I told Bobby about us and I'm not sure if he told them about us so they might be on big brother mode" I warned. Colby chuckled, "As long as they don't kill me all is good. I can understand why they want you to be safe." "Awww, your the sweetest. Now come on I want you to meet David. He's my best guy friend besides Bob" I said excitedly. 

I knocked and someone rapidly opened the door.

 "Hey Fran, Hey Colby, just wanted to warn you that I accidentally spilled the beans and now the whole house knows you two are kinda a thing" Bobby said all in one breath at lightning speed. 

I groaned, "what the frick Bobby, we were tryna keep it low key." "It's fine" Colby reassured me. "Living in the trap house has prepared me for this moment" he said. I laughed, "okay but don't say I didn't warn you. The Roommates are on a whole other level." "Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm team Colby" Bobby said. "Aye! That's what's up!" Colby said. I simply rolled my eyes at their boyish ways and walked in. 

"Wow Fran, my chances with you have shot down completely to zero since our compatibility test" Corey said. I laughed, "yeah, basically." 

He talks with Colby for a while because they're pretty good friends and I know that Corey would be supportive of me and Colby did end up making it official. I'm pretty sure JC would be cool with Colby too since they're asp good friends but at the same time JC is literally like my older brother so it could go either ways. Speak of the devil...

"Hey man what's up?" He said to Colby. Well hello to you too Jc. "Look I know you too aren't official or whatever but Fran is like my little sister and I'm just tryna look out for her. I mean I know she can handle herself but I expect you only have good intentions?" Jc said.

 Colby nodded, "of course man, trust me I know what it's like to be cheated on. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy so I'd especially never do it to a girl I like" Colby said. 

Jc looked satisfied, "Good, that's what I want to hear. Good luck with Kian though, he's been pissed off since he heard but he claims that's not the reason why but we all know he's lying" Jc warned. I rolled my eyes, "okay, thanks for being so cool about this too. I know you guys are friends and I didn't want to make things awkward" I said. "Nah your good" he said. 

Kian came into the room but proceeded to ignore us up until the games started. He tried to make sure he one upped us at every game or have a fit and claimed we were cheating every time we won. After the fourth game I was quickly growing annoyed with him although Colby was handling it perfectly and staying cool. God, I don't deserve him. Why did I have to screw everything up. 

"Kiam I need to talk to you inside" I said sternly. He rolled his eyes but followed me outside. 

"What is your problem!?" I asked exasperated

"Nothing, what's your  problem?" He asked stubbornly. "What's my problem? Oh I don't know maybe it's because your being rude as fuck to Colby. I don't know if you had a fight with your little girlfriend and your pissed off or something but leave Colby out of it. He's my friend and you have no right to act like that towards me or him"

"Well Bobby said you guys were more than friends and if I remember correctly you said you weren't ready for a relationship" he said. I scoffed, "your one to talk when you literally got your self a girlfriend the next day." "Leave her out of this" he said rolling his eyes. "Then you leave Colby out of this! Me and Colby are literally just hanging out as friends, were still getting to know each other better. I'm not hooking up with him like you and your toy" I said defensively. Kian sighed, "She was just a distraction Fran." "Then keep your mood swings in check because I'm not looking for your validation" I said before leaving the backyard. 

I plastered a smile on my face as I sat next to Colby. He wrapped an arm around me, "you okay?" He said softly in my ear. I sniffled holding in my tears, "can you take me home?" He kissed the top of my head, "yeah of course. Here are the keys, I'm going to go tell everyone we're leaving okay? I nodded taking the keys from his palm, "okay." 

I got in the car and laid my head on the dashboard waiting for Colby. When I heard him get in I sat up and he rested his hand on my thigh until we got back to my apartment. "Can you come up? I need to tell you something" I said nervously. "Yeah, of course" Colby said. 

We both sat on my bed as I fiddled with my hands nervously. "Okay so pretty much no one knows besides Nezza but I think you have a right to know before we continue whatever this is" I said. Colby nodded being attentive. "Well... there really is no easier way to say it so I might as well get it out of the way, I'm pregnant" I said cautiously. Colby looked confused and quickly looked at my stomach before looking back up. I chuckled, oh boys. "Are you serious?" He asked skeptically. 

I nodded, "yeah, I'm about a month and a half along. So this is where things get kind of messy. I'm sure your wondering who the dad is, it's Kian but he doesn't know. The morning after... it happened we both agreed it was better we forget it happened because neither of us was ready for a relationship. After that I pretty much avoided the boys' house even though we said we would act natural but I kept feeling really sick. The afternoon before the date actually, Nezza and I bought a pregnancy test just to see if that was the reason why. I took the test but didn't look at the results until after the date because I was sure I knew what they were going to say. So yeah, they were positive and the next week I went to their house to tell Kian and he was with some girl who I assume was his girlfriend because she was calling him babe and looked very comfy at the house. But now he found out we went on a date and was mad for some unknown reason and I have no idea what to do anymore." 

Colby took in all of that information, "well for starters... Congratulations" I chuckled. "Second, you need to tell him. Honestly I think you guys should try and work things out for the baby's sake. If things don't work out then I'll still be here for you and the baby. You're going to be an amazing mom Fran and if Kian wants to walk out then I'll be here to catch you and I know all your friends will support you too. You will never be alone" Colby said. I teared up at his words, stupid hormones. I gave him the tightest hug, "thank you so much Colby. I don't deserve you"  

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