The Appointment

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Today was a cloudy day to match my mood. It's been a couple days since I've talked with Kian and today was my first doctors appointment at the OB-GYN. Nezza is coming with me and I could never repay her enough for all her love and support through all of this but still a small part of me wishes Kian was here with me. "Ready Fran?" Nezza asked walking into my room. "Yup, all good to go" I said shoving the thoughts about Kian into the back of my mind. 

Once we arrived I signed my self in and we waited for my name to be called. We waited for about twenty minutes before they called 'Francesca' it's sometimes weird hearing other people call me Francesca because I'm so used to Franny but I'm not exactly a big deal. 

First they weighed and measured me, then checked my blood pressure along with my temperature, and then they asked me all those awkward questions about my period cycle, diet, etc. After the check up portion they led Nezza and I into one of the rooms. We waited another ten minutes until the doctor showed up. 

"Hi, I'm Michelle. I will be your doctor throughout your pregnancy so every time you see me if you have any questions or concerns always feel free and welcomed to ask" she said calmly making me feel safer. "Thank you, I'm Franny and this is my best friend Nezza" I said introducing us. 

"So shall we get started? First we're going to do an ultrasound just to make sure everything is looking good and healthy and then I'm just going to ask you about your symptoms and making sure your feeling comfortable and nothing out of the ordinary, just as a pro caution. Usually that can help us determine if you're having a high risk pregnancy or an average pregnancy which we always try to achieve and make possible" Michelle said. I nodded taking in all of her words. 

"So you're about six weeks along, your baby is about the size of a pea right now. Everything is looking good and the baby is looking perfectly healthy as far as development. Would you like some pictures?" Michelle asked. "Yes please, that would be amazing" I said over joyed by my baby bean. 

She was gone for about five minutes before she came back with the pictures. "Here you go, I made two copies just in case you wanted to give the spare to your friends, parents, anybody you'd like. So what would you say have been your most common symptoms?" Michelle asked. "Um, I've definitely been feeling really tired, I get really nauseous some mornings but not enough to throw up and aside from that I'll randomly get these really strong headaches but they usually go away with a nap" I explained. 

 "That's perfectly normal, around this time you might start to experience more morning sickness. I know some women just can't get out of bed until afternoon when it fades and some women don't even experience it. As for your headaches I can prescribe you some acetaminophen, which is basically just Tylenol. Just make sure you never take more than what is prescribed or else it can become harmful to the baby. I'm also going to prescribe prenatal vitamins to keep your vitals up and they truly do make a difference when you start to breastfeed. If breastfeeding is something you even want to consider I would recommend trying to add more anti acid fruits like apples, nuts and almonds for protein if your not allergic, and grains. I know a lot of women typically lack on the grains but they're really good for the baby and helping your body produce more milk naturally" Michelle explained.

 I listened carefully as whether or not I was going to breastfeed had yet to cross my mind. "Well I think that's all I have to say so you ladies are good to go. I'll be seeing you both in four weeks from now but if you feel something unusual or anything your unsure about don't hesitate to set up an earlier appointment" Michelle said. I nodded and gave her a wide smile, "thank you so much." "Of course! Bye ladies!" She said wishing us well.

"Wow that was a lot to take in huh?" I said. "Yeah, that was crazy. The baby is literally pea size, we eat peas!" Nezza said freaking out. I laughed at her goofiness, "oh hush up. Whenever the baby's born I'm going to tell he or she that you were their bully." She gasped, "them how am I going to be the favorite aunt if they think I'm a bully." "I guess Emily will just have to be their favorite aunt" I said shrugging. "Franny!" Nezza squealed. "Hey Nezza can we stop a Michael's on the way home I need to pick something up" I said. "Yeah, of course" she said as we stepped in the car. I needed to buy a scrapbook because although I was going to have a video version, I want to keep all the pictures safe for years to come. My mom has all my baby pictures, school photos, and pretty much every certificate I've ever gotten from pre-k graduation to honor roll. Truth be told I was also making this for Kian. I know I said I didn't need him but who am I to deny my baby the right to see their dad? Even if he can be an absolute moron without realizing it. 

After getting the scrapbook Nezza dropped me off at home because she had a nail appointment. I FaceTimed Colby to tell him about the appointment. We agreed to remain friends through y'all of this drama. At least one thing turned out okay. 

"Look Colby, look!" I said freaking out while shoving the pictures in the camera. He chuckled at my excitement. "That's amazing Fran, is everything good and healthy?" He asked. "Yup, everything's going smooth, I hope it stays that way. We heard the baby's heartbeat it was so fast which is crazy because she said the baby is pea sized" I said excitedly before I realized how annoying I was probably being. "Sorry am I annoying you?" I asked. "No Fran, I love seeing you this happy. Could I go with you next time?" He asked hesitant. I beamed through the screen, "of course! My doctor is really nice and sweet I'm sure you'll love her, and I picked up a scrapbook too" I said. He laughed, "I'll make sure to buy you some glitter next time I stop at the craft store 'cause I'm totally always there" he joked. I laughed, we continued talking until I heard Nezza come home. "Franny! I bought lunch!" She shouted. "Coming" I shouted back. "Sorry I have to go, Nezza just came back home with some lunch" I explained. He laughed, "of course, who am I to stop you. I'll see you later Fran, bye" he said. "Bye" I said before walking to my kitchen. 

"Why are you so smiley? Is it that pregnancy glow?" Nezza questioned. "Something like that" I said smug like. "Ahh, not something more like someone" she said making a tsk sound. I shrugged playing coy, "I don't know, you tell me." 

We continued talking as we ate. After eating I sent the ultrasound pictures to Kian: no response. I didn't expect one but I just wish I knew what he was thinking. Even though today proved that if he's not going to support me and our baby then I don't need him. Currently I had nezza, the baby, Colby, and all my other friends who would soon find out. 

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