The Apology

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Kian's POV 

I couldn't believe it, I was going to have a baby boy with the girl of my dreams. It seemed like something straight out of a movie except I being my had found a way to screw it all up. I walked out on Franny 3 months ago while she carried our baby. Instead of being there with her, I was hooking up with some girl that doesn't mean half as much as Franny means to me while she was thriving and is probably in a relationship with Colby. I cringed at the thought of Colby being my baby's stepdad. 

Instead of wasting my life away in my room in the cabin, I decided to see if Franny was up so we could talk: I know she's usually up by 8 and it's currently 8:45 but I don't know if being pregnant makes you sleep more or whatever. I wouldn't know and seeing as I can't sleep due to guilt eating me alive, I might as well swallow my pride and talk to Fran. 

I knocked on the door and a cosily dressed Franny opened the door. 

"Kian?" She said surprised. 

"Hey Franny, can we talk?" I asked carefully. 

She stared at me for a moment almost like she was stating into my soul to see my intentions before answering, "sure, let's go to the kitchen. Want a coffee or tea? It's cold outside." I nodded as I followed her into the kitchen, "a coffee sounds good, thanks" I said watching her as she carried herself so gracefully as if I hadn't been the biggest jerk to her for the past couple of months.

 "You can't drink coffee?" I asked as I observed her make herself a tea. "Yeah, I can, but I figured since it's going to have both of our genetics I figured maybe the less caffeine and sugar I have during my pregnancy will help the baby be a little more chill than his parents, more specifically you" She said with a smirk. I chuckled, "Well he's going to be half you so I think he's going to turn out pretty great." 

Franny rolled her eyes but gave me a small smile to reassure me, "so what's up? Because you haven't really been in a chatty mood with me lately." "Which I'm sorry for. I'm really sorry Fran. I'm fact sorry doesn't even cover it. I left you alone and pregnant with our baby taking zero responsibility while leaving you in the dark and I really hope it's not too late because I really want to be with you and this baby. Franny, yesterday put everything into perspective and I want to be in the baby's life" I said desperately. 

Franny sighed, "your not ready kian" I was taken aback by her bluntness. "What do you mean?" I questioned. 

"Kian a baby is commitment and so far you have showed me none of that. First things first, I'm assuming you broke up with your 'girlfriend'?" 

Oh shit, I forgot about her.

"Judging by your reaction, you haven't. Are you ready to settle down because us parenting as a couple is basically equivalent to being married. I'm positive you haven't even told your parents considering you yourself is barely accepting the news, three months later may I add. Not to mention you don't know a thing about babies, I know it's a learning process but you don't know the first thing about kids. I don't want to make this seem as if I don't want you to be a part of the baby's life otherwise you wouldn't even be on this trip but you have to make sure you know what your getting into before you sign up for this because I'm not getting myself hurt again and there's no way in hell I'm going to let you hurt this baby. If the baby is here before we figure out what to do then we could just go to court for custody but unless you want to see your son on holidays and vacations only then you need to shape up or walk out" 

I took in all of Franny's words as I listened obediently. There's always a time for joking but now was clearly not it. I could tell Franny meant every word she was saying to me, which only made her more scary. 

"But if it's any consolation honestly, I'm rooting for you and I still love you. Regardless of what happens between us, there will always be a place in my heart for you and there will always be an open door policy for you and the baby but please be consistent. I don't want you to be remembered as the part time dad who's unreliable. I want you to have a good relationship with the baby and I want us to have a good relationship too" she said. 

I nodded and stood to give her a hug which she quickly accepted. Hearing her say that she doesn't hate me made me feel a lot better and it really did put me in check by showing me how I was acting like a stupid teenager when I was about to be a dad. 

I'm honestly lucky that she was so considerate I'm not telling people that I was the dad yet because I knew I would have everyone on my ass about hurting Franny and being a dick. 

"Your the best Fran, and I promise I'm going to get my act together for you and the baby" I said. There's a lot of points in my life where I had been unsure of my decisions but now was not one of those times. I know what I have to do and I'm going to make it my life mission. 

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