We sat in the waiting room for what seemed like hours before the door finally opened to reveal the doctor.

"The family of Jason Anderson?" He asked and everyone stood except me because I was scared I wouldn't be able to receive the news while standing.

"How's my son?" Olivia asked him.

"So far so good. We had to perform a surgery on him because he lost a lot of blood and also hit his head really hard which caused a swelling in his brain and right now, he's in a coma but he's also heavily sedated to hopefully reduce the swelling."

"What's going to happen to him?" Mark asked this time around as Olivia was already crying.

"For now we wait. It's a surprise your son survived the crash and just sustained a head injury and a few broken bones. The condition of the car is horrible for someone to survive but he did and it's a miracle."

"How long is he going to be sedated for?" Mark asked again.

"Until his brain stops swelling but there might be a slight problem." He said which caused my ears to perk up.

"Which is?" Mark asked again.

"The hit to his head was very severe and there's a probability that he won't remember some things when he wakes up." He said with a sad look in his eyes.

"Are you saying he might lose his memory?" I said, finally speaking.

"If he survives this, I'm afraid so ma'am." He said confirming my fears.

Jason might not remember me if he wakes up.

He might also not wake up.

I let out a scared sigh as I stared at nothing in particular.

The doctor left a while later after saying we could go see him but we couldn't be more than two going in so Mark and Olivia went in.

I was still staring at nothing in particular when I felt a presence beside me.

"What if he doesn't remember me?" I ask him without looking at him.

"Then we hit his head again until he does. Jason's not stupid Kaybear, he loves you and he can't just forget you."

"But how did this even happen? Was he drunk or something?" I asked finally looking at him.

"I don't think so Kaybear. Danny said he was in the office when he suddenly burst out angrily and refused to let anyone drive him. They could tell he was angry and they tried to stop him but he didn't want to be. The next thing we heard was that he crashed into a stop sign. A witness said he was driving so fast and there was a child crossing the road so in order not to hit the child, he swerved too hard and crashed." He said narrating it all at once.

"He almost killed himself trying to save a child when he shouldn't have even been there at first. How could he be so stupid?!" I cried out in frustration.

"I don't know Kaybear but for now we just have to pray that he's fine." He said wrapping his arms around me.

We stayed like that for a while before Mark and Olivia finally came out and she signaled for me to go in.

I got up slowly and took tiny steps towards the door, scared of seeing what was behind it.

I finally opened it and walked in and the sight caused my heart to break as I felt my eyes immediately well up with tears. On the bed was a very pale and fragile looking Jason with a bandage wrapped around his head. He also had a bandage on his right hand and a few bruises on his skin, his beautiful skin.

The Arrangement | ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora