Dare#35: Slapathon and the dramatic transformation

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Me*reads form*

Neptune: What does the dare say?

Me: Goku you have a dare!

Goku: What is it?

Me: It's from r0b0k1tty.  You've been dared to slap Roshi.

Master Roshi: Nani?!!

Goku: uh..sorry Roshi....

( imagine Goku being the one slapping and Roshi being the one getting slapped in the video  below.
With this music of course 😉)

Master Roshi: ooooowwwww!!!!

Goku: Come on o barely put effort in that.

Master Roshi: Yeah but it still hurt!!!

Me: that didn't count try again..

Master Roshi: What?! No!!

Goku:* slaps Master Roshi so hard it echoes across the entire building*

Neptune: What in Nepnation was that?!

Me: oh that's just Master Roshi getting slapped.

Goku slaps Master Roshi sending him flying to crash into Neptune as he was now on TOP of Neptune.

Neptune:* gets terrified* aaaah get him off me!! Get off!!

Me: ok next dare..Dbzforlife16l dares everyone to react to Goku transforming to a super saiyan. Goku will you do the honours?

Goku: ok. Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!

A large gust of wind picked up as Goku transforms to super saiyan.

Goku(Super saiyan) :Alright this is me in super saiyan

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Goku(Super saiyan) :Alright this is me in super saiyan. Whaddya think?

Neptune: Cool

Me: Great

Blanc: interesting

Noire: boring

Me/Neptune: huh?!

Noire: Like seriously do you have to scream Your head off just for a silly hair colour change and deeper voice every time?

Me: It's how he draws out Power!! Why do people diss dragon Ball because of that?! ok I get it they used to scream like idiots for so many times but still it's shows they put up effort to draw their power not like some anime characters that can get their power without breaking a sweat
I believe in the saying' hard work pays' Goku trains everyday so I don't see why someone  would get annoyed and says he's really overpowered and it doesn't make sense.

Noire: well sorry if I annoyed you but this is one of the main things dragon Ball haters bring up.

( No offense to those who hate it  this isn't intended to rile any one up. But if you agree with me. Fine.
Everybody had his/her likes and dislikes. I respect that.)

Neptune: Anyway enough with this argument.

Blanc: Yeah let's talk about sonething else.


Neptune: like how you're still a loner.

Noire:😡 not funny.

Neptune: ok. Fine. Hey readers remember to also dare the overlord characters ok?

Blanc: Yeah. Please do.

Me: ok this is the end of this session. Stay tuned as we continue the next dares.

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