Dare#25: Babysitting plus Moon vs Whis

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Demiurge: Hello human viewers

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Demiurge: Hello human viewers. As you already know I'm Demiurge, 7th floor guardian and highly intellectual commander of Nazarick's defenses here. I'll be your host for this dare show. Although I don't want to do this but hey orders are orders. Let's see what we have today.*snaps and form appears in hand and reads it*
Uni! Nepgear! *mumbles* What strange names.

Uni: Yes...Demnerd right?

Demiurge: Demiurge! Never commit that delirious mistake again!

Uni: o-ok....

Demiurge:*adjust glasses* You two have a dare...

Nepgear: We do?

Demiurge: Yes....the human  known as Kamen dares you two to 'babysit' Hando's children while they go on a honeymoon.

Uni: a honeymoon, that's great for them.

Nepgear: Yeah.

Demiurge: *mumbles*...I'm afraid I'll never understand humans.

Uni: Did you say something?

Demiurge: uhh..it's not important for your feeble minds to grasp and comprehend.

Nepgear: uhh....ok?

Demiurge:*snaps and Hando comes out of portal with kids*

Hando: Hey girls, I'm dropping the kids now, can you babysit them now until I get back from my honeymoon?

Nepgear: sure thing!

Hando: Thanks..ok Max,Kenji, Nashi and Ako be good and don't cause any trouble.

All 4: We won't!

Hando: Good, bye! Dream portal active!*portal opens and leaves*

Uni: ok guys! Why don't we go to the living room and watch TV.

All 4: yay!!

Demiurge: Yes yes

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Demiurge: Yes yes..take those little miscreants away from here of course now if you'll excuse me I have important things to do.

Nepgear: like?

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