Dare#5: Truth for Noire and Blanc+ Ainz's Date

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Me: Hello everyone and welcome back for another part of the truth or dare series. Ok Noire.

Noire: What is it?

Me: Is it true you liked the secretary guy since hyperdevotion Noire?

Noire: well........

Me: well?

Noire: well...yeah I guess.

Me: I need a solid answer..is it a yes or a no?

Noire: Yes.

Me: ok Blanc you're next. How many words do you put when writing a light novel or a novel.

Blanc: Glad you asked well approximately 5500000 words. Sometimes I use 35000 words per chapter but sometimes I do more than that but if you're a writer on Wattpad...the standard number of words per chapter should be about
500,00 to 100,000

Shalltear: 😧...My my you sure have interest in reading and writing.

Blanc: You got anything better?

Shalltear: I think guarding 3 floors killing any intruder that trespasses is more entertaining.

Blanc: ok?

Me: ok next dare.* takes form and reads it* woah!

Neptune: What is it?

Me*shows it to her*

Neptune: Ooh...nice.

Me: uh Ainz.

Lord Ainz: What is it?

Me:*clears throat*... You've been dared to go on a date with lady Albedo.

Lord Ainz: W-what?!

Albedo: *gets excited*

Me: ok Ainz follow me and lets change your outfit.

At a changing room.....

Lord Ainz: Seriously?!....a suit with a tie.

Me: You have to look formal for this occasion.

Lord Ainz: Can't I wear my guild cloak?

Goku: Um no sorry.

Lord Ainz: I'm going to regret this.

At a perfect dating spot........

Ainz walked to a large table with two chairs at each end and sat on the left on.

Lord Ainz: * picks the menu and reads it* uhh....this is embarrassing.

Me: Albedo will be arriving soon so don't worry.*leaves*

Lord Ainz: hmph....how am I going to go through this...*sees Albedo* woah..

Albedo came in a glamorous red dress with stylish high heels matching the dress.

Lord Ainz:* mouth opened in shock*

Albedo: Sorry if I took long my lord.

Lord Ainz: Uh it's alright...actually you came right on time...

???: ok what would you like to have madam?

Albedo:* takes a look at the menu* well......I think spaghetti would be fine.

???:* comes close to Ainz*

Lord Ainz: *reads his menu* I'd also take the spaghetti.......( Wait a second I just forgot I'm a skeleton)

???: Ok sir it'll be ready soon.

Lord Ainz: huh Sebas?! How'd you get here?

Sebas:The author brought me here  to help with the preparations.

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