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To say nothing bad has ever happened to me before i met Aubrey would make a fool laugh, yet again, i'm a fool for falling in love with a man that was no good for me. It's rather ironic that i wonder at times if this was a blessing or a curse.




I fluttered my eyes open as i welcomed my body to the fact i've managed to live for another day, i sighed at the fact, allowing my eyes to check my surroundings. Call me a genius or a fool but this isn't my room, the walls are too clean and are barely chipped. I looked upwards the ceiling and instead of my normal popcorn ceiling it was smooth with a chandelier in the center. This room alone was worth more than my whole existence and family sadly. Even the size of this room is the size of literal apartment.

I turned my body in the other direction to see a man with ravenous hair next to me asleep, i cussed myself out in my head for allowing this to happen again. I fixed my gaze upon his face, captivated by its intricacies. My eyes lingered, tracing the faint scar that delicately ran from his lower lip to his left eyebrow, almost like a whispered secret etched in his skin. In that moment, it became apparent to me that his beauty was nothing short of extraordinary.

"Stop staring at me like that you creep," He murmured, one eye half-open, a playful smirk forming on his lips. His fingers tightened their hold on my waist, drawing me closer into the warm refuge of his chest. I realised where i was as soon as i heard his voice, i always manage to end up here.

"Why would I ever want to stare at an wogre like you?" I whispered, my words a mere breath, my face still nestled against his chest.

"What did you say, Nat? Speak up," he insisted, his eyes a warm blend of brown and orange locked onto my face. I hesitated, debating whether to respond, aware that this moment could take an unpredictable turn.

"I said, why do i keep putting myself in these situations with you?" I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the unease. Aubrey had a knack for detecting my lies, and I knew that this situation could easily take a different path, as he strongly disliked dishonesty.

" I wonder why too."

"Yeah i really question why because your dick isn't even that good for me to be lallygagging around your house like this all the time"

"Yet you weren't saying that last night"

Feeling frustrated and unsure of how to proceed with this conversation,I decided it might be best to leave. As I began to slide off the bed, a sudden grip around my waist yanked me back onto it, an arm firmly encircling me.

"Where do you think you're going? I want to sleep with my woman," he murmured, his warm breath tickling my neck as he planted gentle kisses there. I made another attempt to rise, but his words stopped me in my tracks.

"If you leave this room, you can kiss your family visits and shopping goodbye for the next week," he threatened playfully, continuing his trail of kisses down my neck. Despite my inner thoughts about my family, the allure of a buying new clothes was undeniable. He had me cornered, and I surrendered, climbing back into bed. He pulled me close to his chest, and I couldn't help but smile, inhaling his comforting strawberry scent as my eyes closed, lulled by the rhythm of his heartbeat, and his affectionate kiss on the top of my head.

In the midst of our complex relationship, where moments of love and hate were constantly present , I found myself strangely content in Aubrey's arms. Despite the way he seemed to take away my freedom, there was an undeniable connection between us that I couldn't ignore. I questioned the direction we were headed in, realising that we needed to regain control of our lives.

But maybe i should give a brief overview on how i exactly met Aubrey, being stupid and young was what was truly to blame for this all. We met years ago yet i always manage to find myself in his bed with no complaint. I was a girl that wanted an escape from her family and he just happened to help me with that offering me the kind of escape that no one else could. So maybe i was a fool for allowing myself to be in the same presence around him yet constantly complaining. But deep down we both know that he's all i have.

My attention was abruptly drawn to my phone as my phone vibrated from a text message from my brother-in-law, Damon, popped up. Our once-close childhood friendship had deteriorated since he got engaged to my wicked and difficult sister. I truly wish my life wasn't straight out of a Turkish drama at times.

Damon: Are you coming to the engagement party?

Natalie: Idk maybe, I'll check my timetable.

I lied knowing damn well i have no schedule nor friends or anything coming up.Without warning, Aubrey snatched my phone from my hand, curiosity and jealousy written across his face.

"Who's Damon?" he demanded, his grip on my waist tightening.

"No one, he doesn't matter," I replied, attempting to deflect his question. There was no need for him to know about my complicated family dynamics.

"I'll ask you one more time. Who's Damon?" Aubrey's tone grew deeper, and I sensed his patience wearing thin. His kisses had shifted from gentle trails to more intense sucking and biting on my skin. I struggled to stifle a moan, finding it increasingly difficult as he continued his sensual assault.

"He's my brother-in-law," I finally admitted breathlessly.

"That's all I needed to know, Natalie. See, it's easy. If only you had told me earlier, you wouldn't have this mark on your neck, or be in this state," he said, a proud smirk playing on his lips.

"Fuck you," I retorted, my voice trembling with a mix of frustration and desire.

"Anytime, Nat. Anytime," he replied, his eyes smoldering with an unmistakable allure.

Natalie ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now