New Roads! Chapter 13

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You have been paid: 37 (thirty-seven) silver coins
Respect +3

Acknowledgment in Braeen +14"

"Through your achievements and great honor you are now a Noble of Braeen Kingdom."

"Your Braeen Lesser Noble's Ring has been exchanged with a Braeen Noble's Ring"

"Braeen Noble's Ring

Durability: 65/65

Value: 1,500

An iron ring with Braeen Kingdom's emblem on it.

As long as you wear it, people will recognize you as a member of Braeen's Nobility.

Fame +500

Leadership +30

Honor, Respect +25"

The Ruins finally behind me after a month of real-time work (3.5 months of in game time ), it was finally time to go see Kaden and choose my Job. Then I would set out for Braeen Kingdom's Capital, the Royal Castle of Fridol. If I went by foot it would take me a month, by horse 2 (two) weeks.

I stopped by Andy's bakery and had a short conversation with him. He confirmed that the voices had stopped and he gave me some bread as a reward.

Then I went by the jewelry shop and sold as much of the jewels and precious stones as I could, stopping when the clerk was proposing to buy them for just above their actual value.

I sold too much at the same time and place. Better save the rest for the next big city. Remember the basics of the economy: Supply and Demand!

I then went to see Kaden.

"Ben? You are back?"

"Yes, teacher. I was wondering if your offer to help me choose my Job still stood."

"Of course it does! Let me see you!"

Kaden took a step back and looked at me with intensity, evaluating me.

I knew that right now the Game System was eliminating Jobs throughout the Paths I had chosen, the additional skills I had learned, my stats distribution and all the actions I had done throughout the game.

Frankly, it took longer than I thought.

"Hum... it is difficult to tell which job would suit you the best. I will ask you a few questions."

I knew that I had to be perfectly honest answering to his questions or else the Job would not correspond to me and my playing style. It didn't matter if some of my answers would make our friendship fall.

"Alright, I am ready"

"You enter a deserted village, what do you do?"

"... I would get deeper into it, being careful for any enemy, try to find out where the people went and try to solve whatever caused it."

"What if it was because of bandits?"

"I would fight them back along with anybody willing to help."

"What of their treasures?"

"I would use some to reward the men who helped and rebuilt the village. Then keep the rest."

No need to say that since I had discovered professional gaming I had become obsesses with money.

"What if it is because of sickness?"

"I would procure people with the best medicine I have for a relatively decent price and deal with the source of the illness."

"What if they are all dead and you cannot do anything to help them?"

"I would buy the totality of the village, deal with the illness source and bring back the village by bringing new people in, starting it anew if needed."

Are the questions supposed to be this easy to answer?

"What if you are visiting an old friend, he is a merchant and you discover that certain of his deals are not legal. What do you do?"

"I look deeper and use this knowledge to size his trade assets, alert the authorities of his crimes to get rid of him and if the someone offers a reward I will hunt down the criminals myself."

"You are given land as a reward for your good deeds. What do you do with it."

"I study its emplacement, riches and primary material and develop it into a big city were people can live happily doing what they love."

"What do you do with the profits from this city?"

"Depends on the opportunities I have. Developing another city right next door isn't an option, maybe by another land in an even more promising place?"

"What do you believe the most important, honor, money or power?"



"If you have to much money, not enough power and honor someone will eventually take everything from you. If you have honor but no power or money you won't be able to make anything move around you. Same if you have power but no honor or money."

"True. It is imperative to have a balanced amount of each to overcome hurdles and trials... I believe I have found what your Job should be."

"Really? What is it?"

"It wasn't easy but I believe you would do a good 'Conquering Trade Emperor'"

A what!?

The emperor type of Jobs were only attributed to one player and therefore were extremely rare. Even if everyone in the world were to decide their Jobs there was a possibility that no one would get an imperial type job because of the many restrictions imposed on them.

Why am I even hesitating?

"Conquering Trade Emperor it is!"

Ben has a job now!

Hope you liked it!

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