Arc 5 Chapter 1 Fangs, Claws, And Silver Cross

Start from the beginning

Cordilia watch in interest and found the new skills.

"Only choose one?"

[Yes. If you choose a skill in the advance section, then you can't choose another on the low skills section] A'Yuan said, Cordilia understood and clicked the Seals Skill. Once again she was dragged in to Training Space

[Welcome to Training Skills. You will learn Seal spells here and cannot leave unless you can do it even when you're sleeping] and then a large pile of books and scrolls fell on top of Cordilia

'Fuck you!'

Cordilia finally exited the space after a hundred years of training. On her wrist was a tattoo of a red flower, A'Yuan did not dare ask.

"Give me the plot first, A'Yuan" Cordilia said

And the plot was given.

It was a Dark Age genre....and at the same time not. Vampires and Werewolves are amongst the humans in the Modern World.

It spells bad word.

Most humans are blissfully unaware of the existence of Vampires and Werewolves, some are aware, most are the ones who had connection to the underworld and of course the Hunters Organisation.

These three factions are at odds with one another ever since the beginning of time. The other side thought of the others as pests.

The story's Female Lead is called Minerva Light. A beautiful priestess in training from Country E that bear resemblence to Japan. She moved to country S to find out of her origin after receiving a mysterious letter that intrigued her to find out her origin.

When she arrived, Plot sama began to vigorously courted her. Throwing her into the hands of Male Lead Number One, the Vampire King Lukas Baltazar whom was injured by the Hunters and needed blood to recover himself.

Typically, the blood of the Female Lead Is irresistible and surprisingly the bite had not immediately killed her and it did not turn her. Interested, Lukas brought her into the castle, kicking and screaming where she would soon get sick about the ways of the Vampires and plotted to escape then she would encounter Male Lead Number Two, the Werewolf Prince, Xander Moon. Because of the Wolfsbane that had gotten into his blood stream after fighting off the Hunters in his Kingdom's territory, he is severely weakened. Heroine thought that although she wanted to run away, her compassion dragged her to nurse the Werewolf back to health. After that the Heroine left the Prince to his own devices after he was fine, she left while he was sleeping.

Minerva had encounter the Hunters and she was rescued and brought to the Headquarters and meet the Male Lead Number Three, The Head of the Organisation, Lucifer Roman. After Minerva had narrated what happened, the Organisation decided that she must be trained to become a spy and so Minerva had gone through hellish training. Five years later, Minerva went and infiltrate the Vampire Kingdom first and seduced Lukas to find his weakness. To her horror, she fell in love with him which was like betraying her love to Lucifer. She still continued with her mission but it was a failure and it angered Lukas so she immediately abandoned the mission before her feelings would grow or Lukas would kill her and then encountered the possessive Xander where she would be tormented in the kingdom and Xander would come and be the balm. Despite the rough treatment, Minerva also fell for Xander. Her heart could not take having three men inside it and to make it worse they are from different race.

A War over her had began, the three male lead does not want to share the Priestess with either one of them so a battle to the death was fair.

However, Minerva does not want either one of them to get hurt so she committed suicide however this had awakes her heritage. Possessing three bloods in her viens. Part human, part werewolf, and part vampire. Ashamed with her heritage that others viewed as an abomination, she ran and the Male Leads chased after and persuade her that they are willing to share her and tolerate the other race. And then they lived happily ever after.

"Alas, as soon as I saw the pilot's introduction, I know it will be dog blood*" Cordilia sighed

(Dog Blood= Melodramatic)

"True enough, there aren't any Most Melodramatic, only More Melodramatic" Cordilia sighed and looked at the information of her vessel

Her vessel is called Catherine Bathory, the Personal Vampire Maid of Lukas Baltazar. She took care of Lukas while he was still young and only a hundred years older than he is. Catherine treasured her young master dearly and did everything to protect him so when the Heroine appeared in Lukas side she was uneasy with the girl. Catherine was able to sensed that the girl... There is something wrong with her. So when Catherine saw the girl years later and found out her plot, she went forward to Lukas of her findings and Lukas got even more interested at the daring girl and ignored Catherine's warning. When the Heroine tried to assassinate Lukas, although was hesitating, she brought down the silver Cross. Catherine disregards her life and throw her own body to blocked Lukas. Catherine immediately disintegrated and Lukas was furious. He wanted revenge but still fell for the Female Lead's charm. Catherine has only one wish, for her young master to not be with that succubus and for the Vampire Race to not be in chaos as well as to preserve the purity of the Royal Blood.

"....... You got a lot of things to ask for I, your mother will have to accomplish" Cordilia said bluntly before A'Yuan dragged her to the new world.

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