11/ this is goodbye

Start from the beginning

A disgusted look spread across her face as it dropped onto the floor. "Well. I'll be back. You two say your goodbyes, yeah?" He snapped before angrily storming out, locking the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" Baby asked quietly. "Absolutely dandy! I'm fantastic, Baby!" She snapped, struggling against the chair. "Stupid question," He muttered "So, how do you want to get out of this?" He followed. she sat silent for a moment before shrugging, even thought she knew he couldnt see her. "i dont know. my hands are literally tied." she said hopelessly.

"well if your willing to listen and tell me if you hear anyone coming, i can fix that." he spoke effortlessly. "what?" she responded, listening to the rustling coming from behind her, shortly followed by the sound of cutting.

"did you really have a knife with you this whole time? since when do you carry knives?" she smiled in disbelief. the absolute chances, the coincidence, that the one day Baby carried a knife in his back pocket, they happened to be tied to chairs.

soon the cutting stopped and more shuffling commenced as Baby wiggles his hands free. he stood up, now freed from his restraints. he got to work almost instantly on Rebel's own ropes. she pulled at her wrists until the rope was cut enough for her to tear through. she stood up quickly, rubbing her reddened wrists.

she mumbled a quick "thank you" before quickly walking to the door, pressing her ear to it. she listened for a moment, only silence echoing back. she tried the handle, only to find that it wouldn't budge.

"locked. damn it." she muttered. Rebel adjusted the straps of her dress, wanting nothing more then to be at home, in comfortable clothes, and taking a nap. she paced nervously, for once she was completely panicked, she couldn't think of a way out. every idea she had was blocked by a factor.

"i have an idea, are you done?" Baby spoke for the first time in a while. she nodded, holding her head in her hands. "be my guest. " she huffed, crossing her arms and sliding down the wall to sit. "it's actually really easy." he shrugged. "we could just wait for him to come back and then knock him out." Rebel scoffed, resting her head against the wall. "why didn't i think of that, good job" she smiled slightly.

Baby returned her small smile, mimicking her position. she let her head rest in his shoulder, a deep migraine taking root from the still coppery taste in her mouth. "hey Miles?" she questioned, waiting for his response motionlessly. "hey Rebecca." he replied in a slightly joking manner, which dropped when she didn't respond for a second. he looked down at her far off gaze, a completely blank stare that cut through the walls, 100 miles away.

"what did you want to be, like when you were a kid. i'm assuming you didn't want to be a criminal, so what did you want to be?" she said in a somewhat quiet voice. he thought for a moment, trying his hardest to remember what it was like before he got involved in this...business. "i wanted to be a doctor." he stated simply. she only nodded. "what, no smartass comment?" he smiled a little, trying to lighten the mood. "no, it suits you." Rebel responded.

"what did you want to be?" he returned the question. "a journalist." she responded without hesitation. a smile crept onto baby's face at the thought of the girl on his tv screen every day. "it suits you." he repeated her answer. "one day, you'll be on the tv, reporting about my heroic and fascinating cure for some prestigious disease." this finally got her to smile. "yeah, maybe." she chuckled.

the two sat in silence, before it was interrupted, as it often was, by footsteps trailing closer to the door, "finally! how long does it take someone to wipe blood off their face?" she said in a hushed tone as she stood. baby followed her actions, moving her behind him and standing idly behind the door. the sound of jangling keys came seconds later, and the sound of the key unlocking the door, then the sound of the squeaky door handle turning.

Rebel//Baby DriverWhere stories live. Discover now