Celebration Rings [Epilogue Part 1]

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It is a sea of black as students swish about in their gowns. Voices collide in a symphony of bright noise and the twinkling lights blur into a kaleidoscope of colors. My heart beats out of my chest in excitement. This moment has been a long time coming. "Hyung, did I do it right?" I look down to the mint haired boy fussing with his cap. Yoongi is shrouded in his gown and the pink hood for music lays crooked around his neck. I can't help the smile that crosses my features at the sight of him looking so cute. People continue to mill about the dressing area as I straighten Yoongi's cap and gown. It is different from when we graduated high school, things are so much more real this time. Not to mention our lives have completely rearranged from that of the nieve Jin and Yoongi who moved to Seoul four years ago.

Looking at the men we have become in so few years hitches in my chest. This year alone we learned what it meant to grow up and take on that responsibility. "Alright, everyone get into your lines. I need education, nursing, and computer sciences to the left..." An uptight woman stands at the head of the stairs trying to corral us into lines for us to take our final walk across the stage into our futures. Yoongi gives me a frightened look at the idea of separation.

I wrap the smaller boy in my wide embrace to calm his impending nerves. Pulling away he meets my reassuring gaze. "Yoongi-ya, this is our big moment. Remember that hyung is proud of you. Now get into line, don't want to keep Hoseokkie waiting now do you." The little blushes, but lets go to stand up straight. I give a final adjustment of his collegiate gear and watch as his small frame gets swallowed up in the swarm of fellow graduates. He has grown so much as a person these last few months and it makes me happy to finally watch him walk the stage. It is even sweeter that I get to waltz across the decorated platform as well.

Fellow nursing majors congregate around me as we nervously await the march into the auditorium. I think of the student-professor amongst the crowd, a wide lipped grin with the appearance of dimples as he awaits the beginning of graduation. In his lap, a wriggly doe-eyed baby teething away on his little bunny toy. Even after all this time the realization that I am a parent still gives me butterflies. Happy little flitters that give me the strength to be the best I can for Jungkook. Everything I do or will do revolves around the small child.

We were able to finish the first semester without a hitch. Yoongi finishing his not as indifferent modern dance class and both of us passed the creative writing class under the tutelage of Namjoon. However, this last semester is where it proved difficult for us. Apprenticing at the children's hospital made for a not as conducive schedule for raising a child. Long hours and sporadic shifts amongst keeping a curious baby on a definitive schedule equaled no sleep and grumpy littles. Luckily, a certain teacher boy had flexible hours and a mentor who loved squishy babies. If I couldn't be there it was Yoongi and when Yoongi had classes Namjoon stepped in. The situation was odd but worked for us. However, the end of the semester couldn't have come quicker despite the compromise.

I was offered a position at the hospital and given a flexible schedule due to my unique situation. This was a surprise, but the staff saw my potential and the rest was history. Yoongi was able to finish his studio piece this semester which gave him an opportunity to intern at an up and coming music agency. Both of us finish this journey with unexpected outcomes. I am a single father with a close-knit family of friends and Yoongi's in love with a smiley dancer who captured his heart, not quite the future we imagined stepping off the train into Seoul.

A hush spreads throughout the line of students as music strikes up announcing our procession into the theatre. I close my eyes sending one last prayer before stepping in line with the boy ahead of me. There is a sense of anxiousness that washes over me upon seeing the seats filled with families all ready to congratulate their son or daughter. I know Eomma and Appa are dressed for the occasion probably making a scene in their excitement for their son and his friend who is basically their adoptive child. There is no more time to further contemplate their antics because we are seated in our prepared section in the front as the house lights dim focusing solely on the stage. The president of the campus takes his place at the podium and I find myself getting lost in the program. My last preoccupied thought is that I hope Jungkook behaves for Joonie.

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