Sweeter than Sweet [Namjin Week Prompt 3]

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Namjoon POV

A bell chimes above my head as I enter the quaint bakery just off the edge of campus. The air carries the smell of all the beautiful cakes displayed in the glass cases lining the counter. I quickly become less sure-footed the further I enter the frilly establishment. However, before the assortment of sweets can overwhelm my tired brain an older woman comes to the counter. "How may I help you, young man? Buying for someone special?"

Her words bring a smile to my lips as I remember the man I am shopping for. Jin, my beautiful fiancé, has been working tirelessly this week manning the night shift at the hospital meanwhile soothing a fussy Kookie who's been cutting the last of his baby teeth. Hyung deserves something special and so I decided a cake from his favorite haunt would be nice and a way to show him that I notice all that he does for our little family. Yoongi was kind enough to give me the details of Jin's go-to guilty pleasure from this little shop. Apparently, it is usually something he'd order whenever the stress of finals became too bitter.

"Ah, yes... I am buying for my partner. They love the chocolate cake from here and I wanted to surprise them. You wouldn't happen to have one prepared with strawberries and meringue buttercream?" The woman's eyes widen before a toothy grin pulls at her cheeks as I stumble through my order. Yoongi said the bakery was friendly so hopefully, she'll be kind considering I popped up without a call ahead with an oddly specific order. However, before I can apologize or evaporate from nerves a man comes out from the back with what I assume to be the cake in question. Guessing by their shared smiles my astonishment must have been written clearly on my face.

Working in well-practiced tandem the woman takes the cake as the man comes to the counter to begin the process of ringing up the elegant-looking delicacy. I watch as a pink box appears from under the counter, but my attention diverts back to the man as he directs his words towards me. "Hello, sir. I'm Choi Ji-hun and this is my wife Eun-Jeong, we're the owners of this bakery. It is so nice of you to come in, but I will say it is a surprise. I only know two people who order that cake outside of wedding season. I only had one baked because of a cake tasting that was scheduled for this morning, luckily for you, they couldn't make their appointment today." The owner chuckles a warm, hearty laugh. "I had to come and see for myself just who wanted the very cake I was worried about selling on this slow Wednesday afternoon. The young man who I was hoping to see hasn't been here for a couple of months, now that I think of it neither has his grumpy friend..." I can't help my own laugh as I realize he must be talking about Jin and Yoongi.

"Mr. Choi, it's funny that you mention those two. I am actually buying for Jin, the boy who typically orders here." By now the older woman has boxed the cake and sealed it with a sticker showing the shop's logo. The older man looks amazed as he punches in the total at the register, ringing up the confectionary surprise.

The woman snickers and decides to clear the air. "Yeobo, this young man is Seokjin's partner. He's here to buy his favorite dessert as a surprise." This time she turns to me. "What a nice boy you are coming here just for someone you love. Tell Jinnie Auntie missed him and the feisty little Yoongi too. How about I give you a discount for doing such a romantic gesture and helping us sell this specialty cake." I can't help the flush that decorates my cheeks the rest of the interaction as I pay for the cake and make promises to stop back by with both hyungs in tow.


Unlocking an apartment door whilst balancing a cake box is a feat I was not aware would be as difficult as it is. Thankfully the key does its job and soon enough I cross the threshold and enter the warmth of the place I've come to call home more so than the dorm I've rented in the professors building the last four years. The lease is coming to an end in the next few weeks and with Jin's approval, plus Yoongi recently moving out, it was decided that I wouldn't need to renew it. Instead, I will move in with Jin and Jungkook officially. My things have slowly inundated the two-bedroom apartment so it only makes sense to quit postponing the inevitable.

Gentle tones of a cartoon thrum from the television as I set the cake on the kitchen table before hanging my coat on the hall tree. A sight most cuddly meets my eyes as I make my way to the adjacent living room. Jin lays on the worn leather cushions of the couch with the baby clutched to his chest, both letting out little breaths of sleepy content. My heart clenches at the gentleness of the moment. Quickly heading to the bedroom I grab the pink polaroid camera to capture yet another beautiful moment of the complete peace that I've come to know since meeting Jin. The film blossoms to life as I walk back into the living room and take my place in the plush chair beside my sleeping loves.

The cake lays in wait for when the resting older awakens, but for now, nothing could be sweeter... 

His Name was KookieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ