Breakfast full of Ballads [Namjin Week Prompt 1]

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Warmth surrounds the kitchen as the sights and smells of breakfast make themselves known. Banchan is already plated and decorating the kitchen table as I put the finishing touches on the kongnamul bap. There had been an abundance of bean sprouts from Yoongi and I's poorly planned shopping trip so it only made sense to make the savory rice dish. Namjoon has a full day of classes with Professor Heo. She's been letting the student-professor take control of the class more and more for experience and as much as he loves it I know the responsibility is weighing on him. So why not make my fiancé a healthy home-cooked meal to give him the energy he needs for that hot professor aura he seems to have taken on these last few weeks.

I bring the spoon to my lips and taste the sauce I've mixed up for the kongnamul bap. My mother was always able to make it without all the careful measurements I seem to still rely on. Plenty of scallions was always her piece of advice, but I am more inclined to spread the sesame oil agenda. "The thing that determines the taste of food is sesame oil. Isn't that right, Kookie?" I get nothing but sleepy mumbles in response. The one-year-old sits in the playpen, diagonal from the small apartment kitchen, in the living room. His arms hug the plush alpaca I bought him ages ago. Smiling, I turn back to the task at hand, cooking breakfast to warm Namjoon's belly and heart like the supportive partner I am.

It's nice cooking for someone else, Yoongi and I just lived off nutrition bars and instant meals during our college days more often than not. It is amazing how much your life and the little routines you've had for ages can become things of the past. Like most aspects of our lives, those stagnant behaviors changed with the addition of Jungkook into our lives.

Needing a bit of entertainment as I finish up breakfast and wait for Joonie to come in from getting ready for work, I turn the radio on. Ballad songs made for kisses and slow dancing come to life as they burst from the staticky speakers as I adjust the volume. I mix the finished rice with the sauce, which I deemed had the perfect amount of sesame oil, as I sway to the gentle vocals of a song I long ago memorized the lyrics to.


Namjoon POV

I am just pulling on my turtleneck when I hear gentle melodies and the smell of something delicious wafting into the bedroom. Love squishes my cheeks into a smile as I picture Jin humming along to the music. I know he has a shift at the hospital this afternoon so it means so much more that he is taking the time to prepare breakfast. I don't think I was truly living before his cooking. Since essentially moving in these past few months I've had more home-cooked meals than I have since I moved out of my parent's household. A lot of things have changed since becoming acquainted with Jin and his little brood. Speaking of, doe-like eyes meet mine as my socked feet carry me into the living room. I can't help but reach in and cuddle a mostly awake Jungkook to my chest from the confines of his playpen. Small fists grab onto my clothes and I take us to the kitchen where the hub of action seems to be.

Standing at the stove in his pajama-clad glory stands the elder, rice paddle in full use as he sings the chorus along with the radio. His plush lips are drawn in sorrow as he delivers the melancholy lyrics as if they were his own. I can't help but fall more in love with him at this moment as the scene oozes a beautiful kind of domestic I never thought I'd get to experience in this life. My tiny companion is just as enthralled if his giggly coos are any indication.

The moment ends however when my knee knocks into one of the chairs at the dining table. Jin startles but smiles when he sees the two of us entering the kitchen. "That was a lovely show you were putting on, jagiya. Breakfast smells amazing too!" Red instantly begins to color his ears at my words. I can't help but chuckle at his shyness as I place a kiss on his flushed cheek. The baby makes sure to not be left out as he gives his own version of kisses to us both. "Aww, Kookie appreciated your hard work too, hyung."

"Aish, the sappiness is killing me! Out of the kitchen you sentimental fiend. Breakfast was supposed to be a surprise!" Pointing a curved finger at the baby settled against my side he jokingly chastises him. "Don't think I won't consider you an accomplice, an adorable accomplice, but one nonetheless Jungkook-ah." The younger only gives a toothy grin in response.

Grumbling Jin flaps his arms about in flustered exaggeration as he shoos us from the kitchen and towards the table where an assortment of banchan awaits us. I take it upon myself to strap Jungkook into his high chair and move to my seat, placating the excitable elder. Jin quickly follows with the product of his labor that looks even more delicious than the smell that permeates the apartment. Galbi and bean sprout rice take their respective places amongst the banchan cucumber soup, the radish kimchi his mother sent with us on our last visit, and seasoned kelp. Even Jungkook kicks his feet in excitement at the unveiling of his juk and sweet potatoes.

Once Jin takes his seat and digs into the grilled ribs the feast begins. Sounds of chopsticks against dishes and hums of content fill the small space as breakfast is underway. As food disappears and small talk ensues I can feel my heart fill along with my stomach. It's in these moments that I appreciate all the ups and downs it took to get here. Breakfast with the ones I love, full of ballad songs and mirthful grins is the most delicious to me. 

His Name was KookieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang